80s' Toys R Us' TV Ad.

"Child stars Jenny Lewis, Jaleel White, and Lindsay Price appear together in two Toys R Us commercials. I wonder if they filmed them both on the same day? They have different clothes and hairstyles in each one, so who knows? The child actors in this commercial made an 'updated' version several years later (during the 90's) in which they are doing the exact same activities - only they're much older! ! It was supposed to show that they still didn't 'grow up.'"

It comforts me sometimes being reminded I'm not the only one who remembers things like this...

Nowadays I usually feel alone whenever I reference something from the 80s or even 90s.


antjokingly says...

Um, we're here online on the Internet old fart.


It comforts me sometimes being reminded I'm not the only one who remembers things like this...

Nowadays I usually feel alone whenever I reference something from the 80s or even 90s.



Pffft. I will be completing my 64th orbit around the sun tomorrow at 3:00 PM. That works out to be 23,376 days. Hard to believe I've breathing this whole time.

I'm not skeerd.


Um, we're here online on the Internet old fart.




Pffft. I will be completing my 64th orbit around the sun tomorrow at 3:00 PM. That works out to be 23,376 days. Hard to believe I've breathing this whole time.

I'm not skeerd.


You must be the oldest VS member here.


Pffft. I will be completing my 64th orbit around the sun tomorrow at 3:00 PM. That works out to be 23,376 days. Hard to believe I've breathing this whole time.

I'm not skeerd.


What were you orbiting for the ~ 9 months before those 64?


Pffft. I will be completing my 64th orbit around the sun tomorrow at 3:00 PM. That works out to be 23,376 days. Hard to believe I've breathing this whole time.

I'm not skeerd.


This commercial makes me sad.

I remember being too old for the target demographic.

Later, I was sad to realize the owners of this store never understood this "intertubes" fad, and pissed away their chance to become the Amazon of toys. Rather than... Amazon becoming the Amazon of toys.


It comforts me sometimes being reminded I'm not the only one who remembers things like this...

Nowadays I usually feel alone whenever I reference something from the 80s or even 90s.



Maybe that thing inside his mother wasn't really him until it drew breath?
I was wondering, did he spend all of that time on earth, or just in a synchronous orbit?


What were you orbiting for the ~ 9 months before those 64?

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