8 Months pregnant woman tasered by police


Only one word for these cops: COCKSUCKERS

Illinois cops, some of the worst of the worst of the worst. Long-standing history of state corruption, organized crime-Not to mention THE most retarded gun laws in the country. Oh, and a shitload of racist white cunts, For Example: The following is the breakdown in demographics of the Illinois State Police:

Male 91% 49.0%
Female 9% 51.0%
White 80% 73.5%
or Black 13% 15.1%
Hispanic 6% 12.3%
Asian 1% 3.4%

(column 1-Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics, 2000: Data for Individual State and Local Agencies with 100 or More Officers

Column 2- 2000 US Census factfinder - Illinois)

Pretty much a private white redneck crime syndicate.


Brutality has skyrocketed since those fucking little things were given to cops. They don't even need to hide their abuse anymore, they can just torture people in broad daylight, claim it's non-lethal, and say they're within their rights.

I know Illinois is supposed to have all sorts of racial issues, but this is fucking ridiculous. Though I fear the manhunt that will follow it, it's got to be only a matter of time before some act of rebellion against law enforcement. At some point someone has to just have enough of this shit, and defend themselves with force.


That's the spirit, but ya better plan on needing your jaw wired back and sipping through a straw if you attack an Illinois cop-I hear they swarm worse than in Texas or Los Angeles..


I couldnt stand aside with that happening.....my god Id have to kick the living fuck out of them.


Im actually surprised that hasn't happened yet.

Shitty cop does something despicable and enough people lose their shit and intervene.

I'm not suggesting it should happen, because well...riots aren't fun. But something to send a message that shitty cops are unacceptable and no really...they need to be held to a higher standard.


People have been tased to death. I'm sure it's not impossible for a fetus to suffer severe trauma from a taser.

This is sickening. They are some pretty big guys with tactical training. I'm sure they could have subdued her by grabbing her arms and twisting them behind her back or something.


It's real simple. When a police officer tells you to step out of your car, you do it. If they tell you to turn around and place your hands behind your back, do it.
Don't get mouthy, don't argue, don't try and negotiate. Just fucking do what you are told. If you want to sue someone, find a lawyer.
The police don't have time to take blood tests to determine if you are pregnant. Just because someone is yelling 'She's pregnant!" doesn't mean that the person is pregnant. How gullible are you?
If you are going to be an ass, expect to be treated like one.


Here we go again. A bunch of bleeding hearts calling these cops cocksuckers and pigs.

Bottom line: she got what she deserved.

She was CLEARLY fighting and resisting arrest in that clip. She was warned at least 10 times that I heard to get down on the ground and put her hands behind her back. She refused every time. She's a dumbass and it is totally her fault.

Here's a better scenario. You don't act like a spoiled bitch when cops are trying to detain you. You shut the fuck up, put your hands behind your back and comply with what they are asking. If you don't, it is only going to get bad for you. She wouldn't have even ended up on the ground if she'd have lost to spoiled bitch attitude, let them do their job and simply complied.

Her being pregnant is honestly a minor point.


Agree with above posters. If you are at all concerned with the welfare of your unborn child you had better be absolutely calm and compliant with the requests of a police officer.

The above scenario didn't magically escalate from car accident to a request to be on the ground despite what the video tries to depict.


I am really torn here, I agree that the cops are not able to test for pregnancy on the scene and ave to assume that a combative and struggling person may be lying to get a chance to escape. But I've been the husband during a pregnancy so I know that it is difficult to lay down on your stomach with a baby on board. I think the right answer would have been to cooperate calmly and ask if I could lay on my side with my hands behind my back as I am pregnant. Calmly explaining during a high stress situation would likely get through this without the risk of endangering anyone. And if it did escalate I'm very glad that they opted for taser over pepper spray. Pepper spray would likely do much more damage to the mother and the unborn child.


Cops generally go for a "better safe than sorry" approach. The moment they hesitate, in certain areas there's a good chance they would get shot.

It's a shame that both the police and the people have been driven to those extremes - it would be much nicer if the police didn't have to worry about any random person having a gun, then they could relax and much of the unintentional abuse would go away.


If as a cop you can't cope with a mouthy, pregnant woman without electrocuting her over a minor vehicle incident then you should not be a cop.
These guys clearly don't have the common sense, empathy or physical capabilities for the job.


The criteria for employment with the local constabulary in the U.S. uses at least a 90 I.Q. as a baseline....Cops don't need to be that bright. Most cops actions are dictated by the survival circuit and are motivated by their hind-brained impulses. You don't really exercise wisdom winding-up a fight-or-flight neanderthal.

gwiz665, are you that naive? If the world was all fluffy kittens and the sky were made of cotton candy then police would be helpful assistants in our societies with duties like earning, old-lady street-crossing assistance badges and traffic-directing patches. Oh, for a joyous world without firearms with puppies and kitties!!

The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.-Isaiah 11:6

And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.-Isaiah 2:4


If as a cop you can't cope with a mouthy, pregnant woman without electrocuting her over a minor vehicle incident then you should not be a cop.
These guys clearly don't have the common sense, empathy or physical capabilities for the job.


years ago police and sherrifs were part of the community.they lived next door.they went to church and participated in local social events.
so incidents like this were a rarity.

and cops were held accountable by the community.
i remember as a teen playing basketball at a friends house and watching a group of men walking with purpose to a cops house who lived right down the road.

being teens and super curious we followed the men.
now for quite some time it had been known that this officer was fond of stopping young women and frisking them for no apparent reason other than to grope them.since there was no actual evidence nothing was ever done about it concerning discipline towards this officer.

so these fathers decided to do something about it.

they were calm.
they were collected.
and they told the cop to get out of their neighborhood.
and that if the cop ever touched another young girl they would pull him out by his feet and humiliate him in front of his family.(which was awesome)

the cop laughed it off with false bravado and refused to leave.

here is where it got interesting.
people started to shun this cop and his family.
nobody would do business with him.not locally at least.
they wouldnt sit near him at church.
his kids didnt get invited to parties or any social events.

and within a month he moved his family to conneticut.
no violence.
no harsh words.
the neighborhood just shut his family out.

but those days of cops being part of the community are gone.cops have become revenue officers who represent the power of the state.the cops of old who joined the force out of duty has been replaced with egomaniacs and violence addicts.(not all mind you).

so we get incidents like we see here in this video.
shame really.

whats even MORE shameful is to read the muppets who blame the victim for violence.
"if she had just complied"
"if she hadnt worn that skirt"
"if they had just remained silent and not spoken up"

then what?
slink away in shame and silence?
THATS your answer?

a police officer should always be held to a higher degree of integrity.
of professionalism.according to you muppets its the other way around and it is WE,the citizen,who must anticipate the inherent violence and submit with a timid whimper.

do what your told.
sit down.
shut up.
the lot of ya.


In general I agree a person should [for their own sake at the very least] shut the fuck up and do as instructed by police.

However, that is secondary to the well-being of the [real or fictional] fetus in the suspect's womb.

Many people, regardless of race, gender, or station in life, have little control over their temper and go ape-shit nuts ignoring the authority of law enforcement. In 99% of the cases, I'd say the officer is right to tase or use force against the offender to achieve compliance, however this is the 1% where I feel someone has to be concerned with the safety of the unborn child.

Even if the mother is too dipshit crazy to be able to put her baby's safety ahead of her outrage, at least the sanity of an officer should come into play and beat her up in a way that they won't be jeopardizing the safety of the fetus.

Don't obey an officer's orders repeatedly and dare to resist? Get tased. Get wrestled to the ground. Get kneed in the back. Hell, even get into a choke hold.

But pregnant, unarmed, and presenting no physical threat? Break her arm and punch her in the face if you have to, officers. Just avoid the taser and physical trauma to the uterus region in general.

(I know; radicals will say the baby doesn't deserve to be born into the world with a mother who is too dipshit to obey officers, but I think it deserves a fair chance at life [or at least not to be potentially murdered for its mother's disobedience].)


It's real simple. When a police officer tells you to step out of your car, you do it. If they tell you to turn around and place your hands behind your back, do it.
Don't get mouthy, don't argue, don't try and negotiate. Just fucking do what you are told. If you want to sue someone, find a lawyer.
The police don't have time to take blood tests to determine if you are pregnant. Just because someone is yelling 'She's pregnant!" doesn't mean that the person is pregnant. How gullible are you?
If you are going to be an ass, expect to be treated like one.


How do you know she was being arrested over an auto accident? She might have been wanted on another crime. Lots of people get arrested at traffic stops or auto accidents because they are wanted. You wouldn't believe how many wanted people populate cities. In the average small city there are about 100,000 wanted people at any random time.


If as a cop you can't cope with a mouthy, pregnant woman without electrocuting her over a minor vehicle incident then you should not be a cop.
These guys clearly don't have the common sense, empathy or physical capabilities for the job.


So like... 20-50% of the population is wanted for a crime?


How do you know she was being arrested over an auto accident? She might have been wanted on another crime. Lots of people get arrested at traffic stops or auto accidents because they are wanted. You wouldn't believe how many wanted people populate cities. In the average small city there are about 100,000 wanted people at any random time.


You're right! If she was found to of committed a more serious crime she should definitely of been electrocuted.

What level of crime would say makes it ok? On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being parking ticket and 10 being doomsday device terrorist attack targeting the president and a kitten orphanage?


How do you know she was being arrested over an auto accident? She might have been wanted on another crime. Lots of people get arrested at traffic stops or auto accidents because they are wanted. You wouldn't believe how many wanted people populate cities. In the average small city there are about 100,000 wanted people at any random time.

Buckjokingly says...

You mean like here in Canada where there are not "random people" having guns?

So the G20 police who are being charged with abuse should have been fine knowing the unlikely chance of a gun being around....right?


Cops generally go for a "better safe than sorry" approach. The moment they hesitate, in certain areas there's a good chance they would get shot.

It's a shame that both the police and the people have been driven to those extremes - it would be much nicer if the police didn't have to worry about any random person having a gun, then they could relax and much of the unintentional abuse would go away.


I'm not trying to excuse all cops - there are abusers in that industry, because it attracts people who want to abuse. This should have been rooted out properly when going through police academy 4.

I'm trying to explain why good officers have been driven to the point of violence because they are afraid.


You mean like here in Canada where there are not "random people" having guns?

So the G20 police who are being charged with abuse should have been fine knowing the unlikely chance of a gun being around....right?


People should actively revolt against pigs

if there ever is a civil war or a revolution it won't be against the government or a race war or some other bullshit, it will be people finally having enough of this god complex law enforcement and the people will turn against them. Start lining pigs up and executing or tasing their ass in public and making them squeal like the pigs they are in mass across the country will be only way to change things

peaceful protest does nothing but get people beat by police in riot gear

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