5 Questions for a conservative girl/douche

I love that she mentions tax cuts....

She's right, socialized health care doesn't work and treatment goes down... oh wait, no, she isn't right about that either.

I love her now. She's my new favorite thing to sift because... let's face it... she's a moron.

When she started off on her rant against nationalized health care being a bad idea because it would put all the power in "their" hands (meaning the government) I was reminded of this quote by the most famous Republican of all: "...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

This is my current issue with the Beckian/Limbaughian conservatives illustrated so well by this fine young specimen; they no longer think of the government as a "we" but as a "them".


If the conservative movement wants to know why they will lost (hardcore I might add), in 2012....watch this video. These are your 'intelligent' and 'wise' supporters. Maybe we should add this one to the long list of republican/conservative idiots to waterboard.

She's against a national health care system on the grounds that someone isn't profitting on her good/bad health. Individuals like this girl, will learn in life, what a foolish idea it is not to have a national health care system. Mr. Obama's system looks like, if an individual wishs private health care provider, that's fine. His system is a sort of 'safety net', or dare I say it....a bench mark or standard by which other health care providers would have to meet. I guess she doesnt want quality health care for herself the next time she's a 'guest' at the emergency room....


If we HAVE universal HEALTH CARE... the government will be able to decide.. that...that.... uh, DRAX OVER THERE can be given PILLS to make him a GIANT SQUARE SHAPED MUTANT MONSTER!!


00:47, and that stare is going to haunt my dreams for the rest of my life.

>> ^ponceleon:
I love these videos because I just see how long I can last... I did pretty well on this one - :58 seconds.

>> ^rougy:
1:10 and I had enough.

[Edit:] Damn, curiosity got the best of me from reading the comments, The nationalized health care really does stick out as the worst point she makes. Here in Ontario the way health care works is we're covered by O.H.I.P. (Ontario Health Insurance Policy) And the way it works is that if you -NEED- something, you get it.

Broken arm, baby delivery, emergency situations from accidents, ambulance rides, brain surgery, hell, this may be a bit TMI but even women who get very heavy periods (to the point of severe pain) can have their uterus taken out, ect. are all covered indefinately.

Things you DON'T need, strictly cosmetic plastic surgery, (and now due to cuts in the policy) Dental, and Eye checkups ect. are not covered by O.H.I.P. but are generally covered under policies provided by employers. (Well, the dental and eye exams anyway.)

This isn't like insurance companies in the states, the province doesn't decide that what you're getting is too expensive and therefore you've lived a good life, everyone is covered, even if you're not employed, and that's probably what the American system would be like, in my opinion.

The only problem I see with switching to a Nationalized health care system is that at the start, since you'll be having people going to the doctors for things they couldn't before (people who couldn't afford things like kemo ect.) will now be able to, and you'll have an influx of patients at the same time.

After a couple years of the system though, on the whole the amount of people going should be in decline and you should actually see a much healthier America.

And Generally when a country gets over-populated, they don't start out killing off elders. They limit the amount of children you can have. Which, and this to some may sound incredibly cold, may be a good thing if the ban on stem cell research gets lifted. If that ban becomes lifted and a limit ever goes into effect, if you attempt to concieve another child then the fetus is forfeit for stem cells. I may have just come across as a cold, cold bastard, but rather then bring another child into an overpopulated world, you potentially just saved the life of one of its citizens.


Umm...if it wasn't for women's lib, a very liberal movement, she'd be too busy watching her 2 kids and cooking lasagna herself to be making a youtube video. Funny how somebody fights to give her an opportunity to give her opinions freely and she decides to use it to stab them in the back.


The statist wants control and the sheeple want to be controlled. No thanks. Those a-holes have no business deciding who lives and who dies via health care rationing.

Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all going broke. I guess this socialism crap doesn't work.


QM wrote: "Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are all going broke. I guess this socialism crap doesn't work."

Wall St. and the car industry is going broke. I guess this means capitalism doesn't work.


What's interesting is why are these social programs going broke anyways? Everyone always says the reason is because the baby boomers are retiring. I'm assuming that these boomers were once children who didn't have jobs and they were able to be taken care of by the society fine even with a lot less working people at the time.

This is just a theory I heard, I don't know too much about it.


"Whole nother?" Jesus Christ on a pogo stick.

Also, and this is very pedantic, the term "conservativism" is a full syllable longer than you need. Thanks, but I'll take "conservatism."

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