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God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

Lara Logan report on her assault in Egypt

vex says...


If you actually read the comments, no one here has blamed the victim. They are merely pointing out that the network and the crew failed to realize that sending a white, female reporter into a mob of sexually repressed men in a frenzied state is a terrible idea.

I Want to Lose My Virginity, But I'm Scared...

CNN fails to comprehend basic concepts of journalism

vex says...

As much a Yellin comes off as being a corporate shill, she still gave Greenwald much more time to talk than Townsend. What she failed to do while Fran was talking is point out the blatant misinformation and lies that were coming out of her mouth. In other words, she didn't do her fucking job.

Cenk Uygur Interviews Julian Assange on MSNBC

vex says...

Since Cenk talks a fair bit about the inhuman treatment of Bradley Manning in the above TYT video, I'm going to touch on that briefly. To start, he is being held in a military prison and has had military charges brought against him. Having signed on the dotted line when he entered the service, he is subject to the military code of conduct and the entire judicial process of that system. It would take an inordinate amount of government pressure to have his living conditions changed. Seeing as how Obama doesn't exactly approve of his actions, this is not going to happen. Liberal human rights groups can complain all they want, but I guarantee you not a damn thing will change before his pretrial hearing. From a legal standpoint, the military's actions thus far fall well within the breadth of the law. Whether or not these actions are justifiable from an ethical standpoint is debatable, but I wouldn't waste your breath. Strong moral values and military doctrine are mutually exclusive.

Father Morris: It's Not Healthy to Have an Imaginary Friend

"WE DON'T F**KING TORTURE" Live on Fox News

vex says...

I'm not sure exactly what Shep is trying to get at here. Simply stating "we are American and we do not torture" over and over again does not make it a truthful statement. How about less denial and more condemnation.

Activists Assaulted after Protesting Senate Prayer

Chimp empathy and morality, without religion

vex says...

Real world social repercussions contribute more to cooperative behavior than any innate sense of right and wrong. The idea that modern organized religions "invented" morality is a laughable statement; one that doesn't need to be refuted through experiment at all. The very fact that you and I exist as social creatures and that our ancestors were able to cooperate enough to succeed in raising offspring for millions of years is proof enough. This was all happening long before we were able to exchange ideas about sky gods.

On a lighter note, I admire Sharing Monkey's sympathy for her less privileged friend.

Source Code Trailer

Source Code Trailer

vex says...

"As always, you have 8 minutes."

"Dammit woman it's just source code it hasn't been compiled yet. Please god don't send me back into limbo. The program doesn't do anythGNAAAAAHHHH"

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