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You just fucked with the WRONG McDonald's clerk.

Cop beats guy in face for no reason at OccupySF

vex says...

Deserved it. Being in a large group doesn't give you carte blanche to block traffic. Stop provoking the police and get the fuck off the road.

Capitalism Hits The Fan

vex says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

Greed: when you don't want the same things I want, in the exact same amounts

An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.

Source: The American Heritage Dictionary

Protests. We Want Change. Now What Can We Do, Specifically?

vex says...

Interesting idea. Personally, I believe that there is an even bigger issue affecting the rise of unemployment. It has to do with efficiency as it applies to production and the roll that technological progress plays in axing blue collar jobs. I strongly believe that the vast majority of people do want to work, and not `leech off the system` as conservatives say, but the need for unskilled labor is declining as technology matures.

why Occupy Wall Street?

vex says...

>> ^snoozedoctor:

In the multitude of recent posts/blogs/discussions about eating the rich, one name is consistently absent of criticism, even prior to his death, Steve Jobs. Net worth over 6 billion dollars, doing no philanthropic work to speak of (as compared to the often vilified Bill Gates), and not one of the many billionaires pledging half of their estate to charities (check out "the giving pledge". Why not Jobs? "Cause dude, like, you know man, he made cool stuff."
Anyone that cannot see the benefit to society, the multitude of companies and people employed that simply augment and support apple products, from iphone covers, to sound docks, on, and on and on, well......if you can't see that, no wonder you don't understand and appreciate capitalism at it's best. True, I don't think money motivated Steve Jobs, I'm quite sure it didn't, but he wasn't keen on giving it away.
If you don't like your lot in life, do what I did, borrow money, do 8 years of post-grad training working 80 hour weeks, get a job, pay back your loans and have a lifestyle above the mean, get yourself on the Board of a charity and give 10% of your income to charities that you trust will distribute money to people that really need it. I didn't do all that work to give money to someone that wants to sit on their ass. I guess I'm what's wrong with this country, an ordinary dude that wants to get ahead.

Steve jobs: The richest income tax evader the world has ever seen. A 1$/year salary? So endearing.

why Occupy Wall Street?

vex says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

The Top 1% also pays nearly 40% of the Federal Income Tax
>> ^ghark:
Some interesting facts about the top 1%:
The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Owns 40 Percent Of The Nation’s Wealth
The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Take Home 24 Percent Of National Income
The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Own Half Of The Country’s Stocks, Bonds, And Mutual Funds
The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Have Only 5 Percent Of The Nation’s Personal Debt
The Top 1 Percent Are Taking In More Of The Nation’s Income Than At Any Other Time Since The 1920s

The initial facts and your rebuttal don't mean a whole lot without knowing how much of the whole is actual income and how much is capital gains.

Game of Thrones Season 1 in 10 seconds (SPOILER)

Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

vex says...

>> ^chilaxe:

It might be easy to answer a simple question wrong if it's late at night and you're distracted with what's going on across the street, and being put in a high stakes situation with police can make people nervous as well. Perhaps he misinterpreted it as "Do you live at this house (the house across the street)?"
This seems to be one of the few police brutality videos on the sift that could actually happen to rationalists.

Yeah I suppose you're right. I can't help but feel that this entire situation could have been avoided if he had answered that one question differently though. Having said that, the officer is still an asshole.

Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

Bank Screws Man: Jailed, Loses Job, Loses Car

Daughter Shoots Father with an Arrow

vex says...

Can't knock the girl for being mad about her phone. It's too early to draw conclusions on this one. I wonder if they will release a composite photo if she ends up on the loose.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

vex says...

I have a book called The Codex of Unicorns and Other Fantastical Creatures. The first few pages of The Codex contain the following statements:

1. Unicorns exist.
2. Unicorns never lie.
3. The Codex was written by unicorns.

Given that The Codex exists, as it is in my hands, unicorns must also exist.

Thus a circle is born.

Christopher Hitchens on the ropes vs William Lane Craig

The Tech Behind Capturing Performances in L.A. Noire

African Woman Playing Guitar in Slightly Untraditional Style

vex says...

This song has definite artistic value, but technically it's a bit of a cop out. I would like to see her play in that style with 6 strings and no open tuning. Not happening.

I am a snob.

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