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I don't wanna go!

Who knew metal milling machine could be such fun?

vex says...

I work in a CNC machine shop programming lathes. That isn't aluminum they are machining. It's definitely steel, probably 4340.

Carbide inserts are more than capable of cutting metal without coolant. Well formed chips absorb and carry most of the heat away. You start to run into problems with gummy materials (like aluminum) that form a built up edge on the cutter. In this case high pressure coolant can be used to help break the long stringy chips and keep them from sticking to the insert.

One case where using coolant can be detrimental to tool life is when machining a part with an interrupted cut. Think of sliding your finger over a surface with a bunch of holes in it. Your finger switches back and forth between making contact with the surface and gliding over empty space. In the machining world, this motion would cause abrupt transient temperature changes, and coolant can sometimes exacerbate the problem and cause the carbide insert to crack or chip.

(pedantry) I would hesitate to call that machine a mill. You can see the machine switching freely between rotating the part to provide the cutting force (turning) to rotating the tool (milling). It's more akin to a horizontal turning center with a milling spindle built in as well. Pretty awesome stuff! (/pedantry)

Zina Nicole Lahr made things

High Maintenance - Heidi

Crazy Martial Arts "Tricking" Competition

Hummingbird Hawk Moth

vex says...

You can believe that the universe is eternal without invoking god. Admittedly, belief in an eternal god and belief in an eternal universe are both equally useless and unprovable.

Dude Wakes Up From Surgery and Falls In Love with His Wife

vex says...

Hmmm... the husband may have planned this out but i don't think his wife saw this one coming. The only reason why i say this is near the end of the video, she sniffles three times and answers his last question very quietly. I think she was starting to choke up a little :-)

Crocodile show goes wrong AGAIN !!!!

vex says...

I remember visiting that zoo when I was in Thailand. It was quite an awful place. They had drugged tigers chained to a post that you could pose with for a fee, an Asian black bear that was so horrendously obese that he just sat on his ass and drooled all day, and twenty by twenty foot enclosures packed with crocodiles (you couldn't see the ground). The crocodile show was incredibly boring, however during the show I happened to spot an elephant with what looked to be a fifth leg. Turns out it was just his massive erection. I think he may have changed lanes without signaling since the female trumpeted quite loudly when he mounted her. I suppose it's hard not to make a ruckus when you're being penetrated by a six foot long dick.

Teen 'Jeopardy!' Contestant Answers Question Like A Boss

vex says...

This. He's damn lucky Nilai didn't know the answer.

jonny said:

Apparently Leonard isn't very good at math. He would have looked pretty damn foolish had Nilai answered correctly and won by $400.

Misheard Lyric Extravaganza

vex says...

>> ^RFlagg:

90% of these I don't think most people misheard... and some seem to be in ways I never heard, like Dirty Deeds... who misheard it as "with sheep"? I always thought it was "and the Thunder Chief"...

*Sobbing* This whole time I thought I was alone...

Tone Matrix

Kung fu master balances his head on nails

Paul Ryan washes clean dishes at soup kitchen -Charity Upset

Spearfishing takes a sudden change

13 year old blows judges away on XFactor US

vex says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

OK, 2 things really suspicious about this video:
1) I'm pretty sure I can hear autotune artifacts (I work with audio / vocalists a lot) and a vocal that is consistently too in pitch.
2) Notice at 2:49 the microphone is absolutely miles from her mouth and the vocal is still entirely consistent, no evidence of a change in level or tone that you'd expect a microphone to display (re: proximity effect) - this hints to me at the vocal being pre-recorded. They also cut away at this point which makes me even more suspicious.
3) The US version of the same show, produced by the same production company, has admitted using autotune:
This coming from a person who got goosebumps for the amazing TV debut performances of both Alexis Jordan and Bianca Ryan who were both imperfect, but utterly thrilling.

1. I think you're hearing things. Specifically, some of her high to low runs and a couple rising melodies beginning with low notes at the bottom of her range are slightly off key. The way she leads into notes using the back of her throat creates a slight buzz that makes her voice sound autotuned.

2. The beginning of the word "butterflies" comes out at a lower volume as she brings the microphone to her face.

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