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Old Guy Gets Stuck In Seatbelt

nock says...

I think he's through the center of a shoulder-style belt, probably from trying to use it as a lap-only belt and now it has retracted and won't let him loosen it.

Dentist Gives His Take on Toothpaste Microbead Plastic

nock says...

These beads are apparently contributing to pollution as well since they obviously don't biodegrade and are small enough to be consumed by organisms/animals.

Bottle Speed Punching Bag

Old Guy Gets Stuck In Seatbelt

Pedestrian bridge is built for safety

Nazi tries to burn flag in his back garden

High Winds In Shanghai Give Window Washers Quite A Ride

10 Weirdly Conservative Hidden Messages in "Con Air"

Trebuchets made for the TV series "Marco Polo" being tested

Motorcycle chase through Shopping Mall

watch uranium emit radiation

nock says...

Remember that Russian dissident who was killed with polonium? He died from internal alpha particle toxicity because his killers put it in his food. It's actually a good way to poison someone since alpha radiation is easily stopped by small amounts of tissue, thus collateral damage (such as to close personal contacts) is minimal. However internalization of an alpha source can result in severe local tissue damage.

watch uranium emit radiation

nock says...

I would never handle an alpha particle emitter without gloves. Imagine if a small piece came off on your skin and you scratched yourself or rubbed your eye or something.

Powerless Automatic Wooden Gullwing Gate

Blind Man Sees Wife For First Time - Bionic Eye

Never Underestimate A Buffalo In Yellowstone!

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