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Man Shoveling Snow Resists Gravity For 9 Seconds

Danciing Baby Groot

Really Fuzzy Cat Is A Jerk

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors

nock says...

Scrubs is the most accurate portrayal of medicine on television ever. Mainly because they deal with the mundane things. Not every diagnosis is ebola, rabies or porphyria *cough* House *cough*.

They must have some legit medical advisors.

Also, numerous drugs are used off-label. Some are drugs that are widely accepted to work in certain situations, but have such a narrow target population that there is no money in funding a study to prove efficacy/safety. Others are generic drugs that have no financial upside to fund a study (mag sulfate for pre-eclampsia). More concerning are black-label warnings that are not heeded.

Launching Small Rockets to Space from Jets

Mess With The Cat, Get The Fangs (And Claws)

4 Artists paint 1 tree

Price Is Right Fools Don't Know How Much An iPhone Costs

nock says...

They're bidding like that because they aren't too bright. The announcer clearly defines a one year contract.

rkone said:

They're bidding ridiculous prices because Price is Right always lists them like that. $1960? You can buy a contract free, unlocked, 128MB iphone 6 for $850 from the website...

How fracking works

nock says...

Sounds like a good argument, but 0.5% isn't nothing. Would you eat food that was 0.5% feces or insect? Would you like to die 0.5% earlier? Don't worry, it's almost all water and between 15-50% of the "acids" and polyacrylamide will be removed. That's up to half of 0.5%!

nock (Member Profile)

Chicken Itza Genius Sound Engineering

Strike! Or not...

nock says...

Good question. Here are the rules:
6a. Legal Pinfall
Pins to be credited to a player following a legal delivery shall include:

Pins knocked down or off the lane surface by the ball or another pin.
Pins knocked down or off the lane surface by a pin rebounding from a side partition or rear cushion.
Pins knocked down or off the lane surface by a pin rebounding from the sweep bar when it is at rest on the pin deck before sweeping dead wood from the pin deck.
Pins that lean and touch the kickback or side partition. All such pins are termed dead wood and must be removed before the next delivery.
No pins may be conceded, and only pins actually knocked down or moved entirely off the playing area of the lane surface as a result of a legal delivery may be counted."

So....I am not sure if it is considered down since it was moved off the lane surface and then ended back on the lane surface.

Hockey player praises Nelson Mandela

Cymatics - Music Video The Art Of Standing Waves

Balls On An Escalator

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