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Begala Driven Mad by Palin Bridge Coverage

hueco_tanks says...

I can't recall a more blatant case of dishonesty that continued even after the facts were made abundantly clear to anyone listening. She has continued to use the "Bridge to Nowhere" line even after it has been made unarguably clear that it is an absurd lie. Too many people are stupid enough and lazy enough not to know that she is full of shit. Gibson had better step up to the fucking plate this week, cut through the bullshit, and force some serious answers from Palin.

College football fan gets Hand Job on ESPN

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Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

hueco_tanks says...

This is off topic, but I started a strand of this discussion so I feel the need to explain myself...
1. Militant Atheism.
As an agnostic, my position is not that I don't know, but that I can't know whether God or gods exist. This includes anything that could be described as a universal power that cannot be understood by man and science and which might conceivably be considered 'God' (I am not professing to believe in such a force, but mere possibility of such a 'higher power'). Friends of mine that I consider militant atheists are those who profess to 'know' that there is no God, and believe that anyone who feels otherwise is an idiot. I do not believe that one can 'know' that there is no God, rejecting even the slightest possibility that there are unknowable powers at work in the universe that could be considered 'God' is a lie on par with those who claim to know God exists (not on par with those who believe Noah built an Ark). Similar to christian evangelists, militant atheists campaign for atheism. I am happy to let people know what I believe, but I don't have much interest in converting lost Christian souls and prefer it when they leave me alone as well.

2. 3 days.
It is amusing to me that some thought I actually believed Barack promised to accomplish all of what he plans to do in three days. What is most amusing was that the entire passage before was also exaggerated beyond comprehension, and no one seemed to notice. Barack is not going to personally drag Obama from a cave, or turn back a century of global warming. To believe that all of the promises listed could be accomplished in 30 years is a pipe dream, and I thought the exaggeration was apparent.

I will be voting in this election FOR a candidate rather than against a candidate for the first time and I am strong a supporter of Barack as you will find. I have never agreed so strongly on so many issues with a candidate in my lifetime. I speak to lots of very intelligent people, however, who are not as certain about Barack and I can understand many of their reservations. You cannot possibly like everything about a candidate, any candidate! I didn't vote FOR Kerry or Gore, I voted against Bush. I am, however, voting FOR Obama. What I loved most about the convention speech were the lines about finding common ground on gun-control, abortion, immigration, and gay marriage. He took a common-sense stance on each issue. These are not black-and-white issues, but we paint them as such, and there are fools on both sides who would not vote for a candidate on the 'wrong side' of many of these issues for that reason alone. I do wish, however, that he provided a more common-sense view of what can and must be accomplished, and what sacrifices must be made to achieve these things. These sacrifices are not easy to stomach for the common voter, however, and I know that accepting things like religious pandering and over-reaching rhetoric are necessary in an election as important as this one.

Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

hueco_tanks says...

>> ^ajkido:
>> ^hueco_tanks:
Just imagine a world where [..] militant atheists [..] always spoke their minds

Say what? Here: you are an idiot.

Point made... I am agnostic/atheist, and I am being called a moron (apparently by a militant atheist) because of two words I used that seem to describe perfectly the individual that made the response. Well played ajkido.

Sarah Failin' - Great Moments in Freudian Slips

Cindy McCain = I'm a retard! [talking about Palin]

Off-Air (or so they thought) Conservatives on Palin

hueco_tanks says...

Just imagine a world where democrats and republicans, conservatives and liberals, militant atheists and religious nutjobs always spoke their minds and were open about their own reservations about the candidate they support.

Seriously, I'll begin...
Barack's promises to solve the energy crisis, turn back a century of global warming, end the war, provide exceptional affordable health care to every American while personally tracking Bin Laden down and balancing the budget in the first three days of his presidency make me a little skeptical about his ability to deliver.

Who is next? Stop drinking your parties Kool-Aid and be honest for a second.

Palin was for 'Bridge to Nowhere'

hueco_tanks says...

It actually helps that no one knows anything about Palin outside of Alaska. It makes it much easier for the republicans to paint whatever picture they want to of her. Who is this woman? She is a family-oriented reformer who will clean up the wasteful spending and abuses of government power in Washington politics.

Oh yeah (cough cough), she has a pregnant teen daughter, she secured $27 million for a town of 6,500 while she was mayor and she supported the 'bridge to nowhere'. Oh yeah, she might have had a man fired for not firing her sister's despicable ex.

Forget all that though, she kept her Downs Syndrome baby to term because she is a pro-lifer who stands by what she believes in, and she has more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined, AND she lives closer to Russia than any of the other candidates. (cough cough) She just got her passport last year.

She is the Commander In Chief of the Alaska National Guard! There has not been a terrorist attack on her state since it entered the union!


EDD (Member Profile)

hueco_tanks says...

Thanks! My wife took our 18-month old little boy to Virginia for the weekend, so I got to catch up with my internet addiction for a few days and get some sifting done. They get back tomorrow, so I will likely disappear again for awhile.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Guess I'm the first one to do this..

I just noticed you on the Sift and you seem like a nice enough fellow, both sifted-videos-wise and comments-wise. Keep it up, you're, akhem,

*adopts mysterious booming wizard voice*
"destined for great things, great things indeed..."
*fades away*

Cheers, Ed

McCain-Palin Spokesman Doesn't Know Palin's Accomplishments

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What the Media Thought Before Sarah Palin's Nomination

hueco_tanks says...

"He (Barack) validated himself with 18 million votes." - Joe Scarborough
Please, no more of this 'executive' experience, close to Russia bulls#it. Well put Joe. Nice sift.

Animals in a Trance

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