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PHISH With Special Guest... ....JayZ???

The English Language is Dum

hueco_tanks says...

>> ^Jordass:
I think all languages need to go through an overhaul. They say the longer a language exists the more it falls out of order with its original rules, this is where the absurdity of "silent letters" comes in. So join with me world, lets go through and drop all the letters we dont need anymore. Yes it might seem like a overly simplistic completely phonetic language but hey at least myself and the guy at Dell customer service can actually have a conversation we can both understand.

Don't you mean:
"languages need to go throo an overhaul.",
"drop all the leters we dont need anymore." and
"compleetly funetic langwij"?

John McCain's Gonna Bitch-Slap The Economy!!!

Maher, Garofalo, & Rushdie destroy Fund's defense of Palin

hueco_tanks says...

The sheer absurdity of a political columnist claiming to not know what the Bush doctrine is just... shit, I can't even think of a word for it! Claiming to not know makes him look like an idiot, a liar, or to many of us, both. What is the upside?

Try this you lying moron, "Sure, I know what the Bush Doctrine is, but I have been writing political columns since 1984 for the Wall Street fucking Journal! I am expected to know. Hell, I even know that Bush broadened its scope in his 2005 inauguration speech to include supporting democratic movements worldwide (how can you state this in an interview in which you claim not to know what the Bush Doctrine is!?!). Understanding policy positions ascribed to the Bush Doctrine are not a prerequisite for governing a small town in Alaska, or even the entire state."

West Virginia 911 Call

Sarah Palin - Hillary Clinton Skit on SNL

hueco_tanks says...

Fey has been asked to appear in a new McCain ad campaign featuring Gov. Palin.

I, Love,
Shootin' moose from planes.
Kids with funny names,
Glasses with no rims.
...And TWINS!

I, Love,
Illegal abor'shin.
ANWR oil drillin'.
...And TWINS!

Fey declined.

Tina Fey Returns to SNL to play Sarah Palin

hueco_tanks says...

Fey has been asked to appear in a new McCain ad campaign featuring Gov. Palin.

I, Love,
Shootin' moose from planes.
Kids with funny names,
Glasses with no rims.
...And TWINS!

I, Love,
Illegal abor'shin.
ANWR oil drillin'.
...And TWINS!

Fey declined.

Bill Maher - New Rules 9/12/08

Media takes a hit from Obama - Silencing Public Opinion

hueco_tanks says...

Has anyone tried posting a well thought-out criticism on one of the videos? Was it deleted? That would seem a more sensible way to determine whether or not Barack's campaign was deleting opposing viewpoints.

If they are... should I be outraged? If he were to say, falsely accuse McCain of wanting to teach kindergartners about fucking in a campaign ad... that would alarming. I don't know if I could support a candidate that supported those kinds of lies and distortions, but a campaign deleting negative YouTube comments... meh.

The Jerk - You Belong To Me

McCain: Palin Is Top Energy Expert In US, Understands Russia

Local Maine TV Reporter Takes It To McCain on Palin and Wins

Robot Palin malfunctions under Charlie Gibson's fortitude

hueco_tanks says...

They can't cover EVERYTHING in the pre-interview prep sessions. I mean, just think... just a few months ago she had no idea what the VP does!?!

She has really been cramming, you can tell by the way she name-dropped Mikhail Saakashvili (not in this clip) and pronounced it better than I ever would have. That has got to count for something, right? So what if she didn't know about preemption, right... she learned to pronounce a hard name!

Obama on Letterman 9/10/08 (full interview)

hueco_tanks says...

How can you not love the logic of Obama? He says all of the things that I believe but cannot put quite so eloquently, and he does it unscripted. How is this race even close? It boggles the mind.

My favorite example from the interview...
"[After 9/11, in] the United States, there was just this outpouring—you remember, people wanted to do something, and, you know, George Bush asked them to shop, and if we had instead said, 'You know what, we are going to reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil,' or, you know, 'We are going to create the kinds of energy-efficient economy that will allow us to weaken the forces of terror,' that could have made an incredible difference and I think you could have mobilized the American people around bold plans on energy that would make sure that we weren't continuing to be in the situation we're in today."

When I remember the outpouring of international support for the U.S. after the 9/11 attacks, even in many middle eastern nations, and I consider how we squandered that support and turned it back into disgust and hatred with an unjust and unprovoked war based on lies and deceit...

Words cannot describe.

Under Palin, Wasilla Made Women Pay for Rape Kits

hueco_tanks says...

>> ^blankfist:
I get charged for my rape kit. They pass those out free somewhere? Where? Please tell me where I can get duck tape, rope, Roofies and a shovel for free.

Damn that is a well crafted LMAO sift comment, but my wife didn't think so at all when I read it to her.

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