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Putin shoots a tiger, saves t.v. crew.

Naked Guy Runs Across America

John McCain's new running mate

The Large Hadron Collider

hueco_tanks says...

We can smash protons together at near light speed in hopes of resolving the grand unified theory, but still no personal jetpacks! I was promised jetpacks! Why not put 8,000 physicists to work on something I can use!

Better Know a Lobby - Atheism

The Truth About Obama's Parents (10 Seconds)

TDS 8/29/08: John McCain Chooses a Running Mate

Sarah Palin on Being Vice President

hueco_tanks says...

Vice-President of WHAT!?! Really!?!

The right wing talking heads are suggesting straight-faced that Palin's 21-month governorship in Alaska and 2-terms as mayor of Wasilla (not to mention her time on the PTA) compares favorably to Obama's preparation to lead the free world. She has "more executive experience than Obama and Biden combined."

Give me a break. Are Americans really this stupid? The conservative base is energized by a hockey-mom-would-be-president.

Loves guns ___
Opposes choice ___
Supports creationism ___
Has breasts ___

Check, check, check, check... gimme her number, I think we've found our nominee!

Russian car crash right in front of a pedestrian

On top of a 650ft Crane - I bet your Palms gonna be Sweaty

Russian car crash right in front of a pedestrian

hueco_tanks says...

I keep watching it... and I still can't figure out some of the reactions. I don't know if it would be better if it were clearer so we could tell what is going on... I think I prefer not being able to tell:

1. The main pedestrian at the median walks casually away, and stands within 5 feet of where he was for almost the entire clip, even as the car is flipped back over. He seems to be working at a different speed than everyone else. (wtf!?)
2. As far as I can tell, the pedestrian who narrowly escapes death on the right curb never returns to the scene. (wtf!?)
3. After the crash, some guy turns left into traffic going the wrong way, hops the median, parks, and seems to hang out at his car a half-block away. (wtf!?)
4. The driver at fault (edit... you all know who I mean, probably not at fault, had the green light, but maybe should have looked before proceeding through the intersection) comes out holding his head, and some guy in an orange shirt comes over, talks to him, shuts his passenger side door and runs off. (wtf!?)
5. The white car on the left side pulls to a stop right in the middle of the road instead of pulling to the side, oblivious to the bus behind him trying to pull around. (wtf!?)

Please... add more oddities. This video fascinates me.

Audio Illusion

Paraglider crash - bad luck and a cool head

hueco_tanks says...

The instrument is called a variometer. It measures altitude and change in altitude... when it beeps it means he is going up (in a thermal). Higher pitched beeps mean faster gains in altitude. It allows a pilot to find lift and stay up (for hours, all day in good conditions).

iPhone gets hacked: interview with George Hotz

School bus? we don't need no stinking school bus!

hueco_tanks says...

I had a similar idea when I was 7 or 8.

New York (and other major metropolitan area) skyscrapers could be connected by a network of waterslides that allowed quick access up or down Manhattan. Office attire may need to be rethought, and perhaps in winter it would be more of a luge, but same idea.

Need to go uptown but can't afford the taxi, change into your trunks and onto the uptown express tube slide you go!

Colombian kids have it made!

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