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Ricky Gervais and Jim Norton Discuss Rape Joke Controversy

How to throw a Bachelor Party - (Epic Friends)

Family Guy - Asian In-law (Deleted Scene)

Bottom Percussion

GoT: Red Wedding Reactions Compilation

braindonut says...

Still haven't seen the episode, but when I read the book, I set it down after that scene and stared at a wall for a few minutes.

I could feel my heart rolling around in my stomach the whole time.

Magnet Screws Fasten Invisibly

braindonut says...

And I imagine it makes seamless connections FAR easier. I wonder how affordable it is. If they can figure out how to do it cheaply, it would seem to unlock a whole lot of great aesthetics options for furniture.

Payback said:

You miss the point. These are for making things you can later take apart and put back together in front of guests. Like a cool coffee table book.

Rape Joke Debate


Hyde Park on Hudson Official Trailer

The Bible is Not the Word of God

Guy with Cerebral Palsy Works Out Like a Badass!

Microsoft Makes Fun of Apple

braindonut says...

That article nailed it.

Tablets aren't about getting classic "office work" done. For powerpoint, spreadsheets and documents, you're always better off with a laptop. (Which is what the surface really is - it's more laptop than tablet)

The really clever "work" being done with tablets is in enabling people to do things they never could have done with a typical computer or laptop...

There's a very, VERY vocal minority who is going to buy the Microsoft tablets. Which is fine... But I'll keep my iPad, thanks.

dzonny said:

great little article on TechCrunch: Microsoft’s Cheap Shot At The iPad Actually Points Out Exactly Why Windows 8 Tabs Suck

Visually coolest toy (poi) ive seen in awhile

Voice Input is The Future of Gaming

Guy offering free kisses gets more than just a kiss...

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