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Guy Assaults Police Officer on Bridge - Gets Shot (nt shown)

TheSofaKing says...

From the news article above:
"Mallory had a lengthy violent history and was a suspect in an unprovoked assault 15 minutes earlier. That assault knocked out Rylan Bebermeyer, a volunteer at the Café on Vine, a free meal site in Davenport that Mallory visited."

You don't approach people like this, in these situations with polite requests. Pretty please with sugar on top gets you nowhere with scumbags like this.

"Any case incident that results in the death of a Perp is the officers fault. The perp was reacting to the officers violence, and threat."

You have this completely backwards. It is the police officers job to stop this suspect. A crime has been committed and there is a nexus between the offence and this suspect. Like it or not, Police have the authority to arrest people who have committed criminal acts. Police are trained to react to resistance and force with only as much force as is required to effect the arrest. This guy gets on his knees like he was instructed and the only force applied to him is a set of handcuffs. If he struggles and pulls away he gets a joint lock. If he tries to choke the officer into unconciousness he gets 9mm of lead. His choice. The suspect always controls how much force is applied to them.

" If some piece of shit cop comes up to me and pulls a fucking gun/tazer on me without ANY provocation I would want to beat the shit out of him too"

With any luck, someday you will get your chance and you will end up just like this piece of shit.

Invention solves problem of folding bikes looking dorky

Cops Caught Plotting To Frame Motorist

TheSofaKing says...

Sad. People that don't take responsibility for their actions make me sick. These guys should be fired and for what? I mean how much trouble would they have gotten in if they just owned up to getting into a fender bender? Idiots.
Blankfist - They put him on 'administrative leave' and 'launch an investigation'. Why can't cops ever be fired?

As obvious and cut and dry as this is, everyone deserves a fair investigation before being fired. Administrative leave or desk duty makes sense because you can't have cops with these types of allegations working the street. They obviously have zero credibility.

Fascist Cops engage in hi-speed pursuit of Seven-year-old.

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Bull Jumps into Bull-Fighting Crowd

Louisiana Police Choke Man to Death for Drugs in His Mouth

TheSofaKing says...

>> ^gorillaman:
What the video absolutely does not show is the cop trying to protect the man's health or help him in any way. He wanted the evidence. Those of you deliberately misinterpreting blah blah blah....

If all he wanted was the evidence, he would have let him swallow it and retrieved it later. Your interpretation of what this video shows makes no sense. Who would you want tortured and killed if this guy killed someone you cared about on the road?

Louisiana Police Choke Man to Death for Drugs in His Mouth

TheSofaKing says...

>> ^Creature:
Anyone that watches this and thinks that what happened is "okay" needs counseling. The cop was choking and beating him. Choking is not a good way to pry a mouth open. It is, however, a good way to seriously injure someone. What I saw was murder, hands down. I hope the men that did this see their day in court.

There was no attempt to 'pry' his mouth open. His hand on his throat was to prevent him from swallowing. You don't stick your fingers in the mouth of a tweaked out meth head who is already trying to resist you... all you get is your fingers bitten off and hepatitis for your trouble.

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where the coroner listed "asphyxiation" as a cause of death? No because he was not applying enough force to prevent breathing.

This fat meth'd out tub of shit died because his plugged up heart gave out during the struggle HE caused.

Louisiana Police Choke Man to Death for Drugs in His Mouth

TheSofaKing says...

Should have let this scrote swallow the drugs and die of an O.D. What an asshole this cop is for trying to A) stop him from swallowing the narcotics and thus putting his life at risk, and B) trying to subdue a criminal resisting a lawful arrest, so that oh I don't know.. he could get him medical attention for the unknown quantity of narcotics he just ingested?

What's next? You gonna blame the cop for all the hoagies and pork chops this guy ate that caused the "severe coronary artery disease" he had? This shitbag has nobody to blame but himself for the way his life ended.

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

TheSofaKing says...

>> ^Yogi:
"She's running away from a police officer, that's illegal."
Well so fucking what? Where is she going to go? She's not a fugitive on the run, she's not armed and dangerous, she's not gonna go far, let her fucking run for a bit until she gets tired. I don't get this idea that you have to subdue everyone, even people you're just talking to.

This girl was brought to a police station by her mother who wanted help. What if the cop allows the child to now run away as you have suggested? Child runs to some older guys house and is raped or assaulted or worse. Not the most likely possibility but a possibility nonetheless. Now what happens? I'm not saying you would, but there would be people like you screaming...lazy cop allowed 14 rape victim to leave when her mother was pleading for help... horrifying crime could have been prevented. Fire this guy.

That is just the tip of the iceberg of how ambiguous and thankless being a cop is. You really are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I don't dispute that there are people who do the job very poorly... but there are a lot more that do it well and they don't get nearly enough credit.

14 yr old girl Tasered in the Head by Police Chief

TheSofaKing says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
I contend that we need to seriously reconsider the use of tasers by our police force. They should be used under the guidelines that a lethal weapon would; the taser would be a last resort and the lethal weapon would be THE last resort.

I agree with the sentiment of your statement. The service I work for classifies the taser as an intermediate weapon on the same level as OC spray or a baton. These weapons are only justified when someone is displaying active aggression (punching, kicking spitting aggressive behaviour). Many Services in the U.S (I am in Canada) seem to allow their officers to use the taser as a substitute for touching or in some cases just talking to someone. Defies common sense and as has been mentioned... adds fuel to the fire of people not wanting officers to have tasers at all.

The problem comes when you speak about lethal weapon status and 'last resort' type situations. The Taser cannot be counted on to work when it is fired. The probes are far too unreliable. Lethal force can only rationally be justified when death or grievous bodily harm are imminent. The only response you can count on in those situations is a sidearm. The Taser can be used though if other officers have a contained suspect under 'lethal coverage'.

The long and short of it is that the Taser is a great tool for police officers and should be used properly and responsibly for the purpose it was designed for... to save lives. Officers who do not should be held accountable. Services that allow their members to Taser passively defensive subjects should get their asses sued off.

Dirtbike Grandma

Seinfeld Extras - The Contest

Reporters getting OWNED compilation

TheSofaKing says...

>> ^alizarin:
Did that woman catch on fire with the motorcycle coming out the truck?
And god bless the wrestler who pimp slapped Geraldo.

That wasn't Geraldo. It was John Stossel. Proof there is no justice in this world.

72-year-old Woman Tasered & Jailed!

TheSofaKing says...

Unreal. Some of these police services are an embarrassment. The taser is a useful weapon with the potential to save lives. But these nimrod services that allow it's officers to use the taser however they want are going to ruin it for everybody.

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