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Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

TheSofaKing says...

So you are willing to pass judgment without all the facts and information AND you can't tell the difference between someone who is walking and someone who is standing still? I know who I am and what I do and how it qualifies me to have an informed opinion on "police procedure". I also know that you do not, since no police officer on this planet would pass judgement on this officer without knowing the multitude of facts this video DOES NOT show.

>> ^ponceleon:
Sorry sofaking. You are just wrong. From the video, it is pretty clear they guy is just standing there at the point where the cop body-fucking-slams him against a concrete wall. If you are implying that the wrestling-worthy move the cop makes is in any way "standard procedure" then it is YOU who hasn't a fucking clue about common police procedure for a take-down.
Go away.

Cop Slams Innocent Man Head First Into a Wall

TheSofaKing says...

Lot's of "experts" giving their opinions on use of force and officer safety here. Even for someone who actually has some knowledge of police procedures (which none of the people who have a problem with this do), this video provides a great deal less then sufficient information to judge and condemn this officers actions. I realize that having no knowledge or experience on a subject doesn't stop the average sifter from feeling he has something to say, but it sure would be nice if it did.

Have you ever attempted to apprehend someone who resisted? How about someone who resisted with a weapon? Notwithstanding the trendy anti-police, all cops are crooked pigs, fuck authority BS most seem to follow around here, there are other people who hate the police even more. They hate them because they are nasty, sick people and criminals and they have no qualms about attacking police. Police deal with these assholes on a daily basis, and deal with them in a manner which keeps them safe. The subject of officer safety is far to large to get into here, but suffice it to say that Police use tactics, and have instincts that keep them alive. If you have never done the job then you don't understand them and look foolish trying to pretend that you do.

This officer was legally apprehending this guy. The fact that he ultimately was not involved in the offence being investigated is unfortunate, but not something the officer knew at the time. Was the guy running? was he not following verbal commands? Where were his hands? What was in his hands? Was he facing the officer, or turning away to hide something? I can't speak for this cop because it is possible he is a power drunk asshole who enjoys beating people up.. however... if it was me, I would feel terrible that this innocent guy got hurt... but depending on the stuff this video doesn't show, I wouldn't regret my actions. Any cop who works in a major city has been in many similar situations where the guy was the right guy and he did have a knife or other weapon... and had the arresting officer not acted properly someone gets a 6" blade in their neck.

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TheSofaKing says...

>> ^Jaace:
"tasers save lives" is only true if the police were going to use a gun instead or perhaps their "whomping" stick OR if this guy was armed. They could have easily broken the glass in the back seat and NOT tasered this guy as he was CLEARLY not a threat and no one would have been injured. This is an outrage.
I don't think ALL cops are like this, but the few that are need to have their badges taken away irrevocably.

Very true. Police Services all use some sort of "force continuum". A subject displaying some sort of resistance, authorizes the officer to use one level of force higher then that being displayed by the subject. Every Service is different, but what this guy was displaying would be considered (by the Service I work for) passive resistance and verbal non compliance. This would not allow me to use a taser or any other non lethal weapon. Only when a subject becomes actively aggressive (punching, kicking, spitting) can a weapon like the taser or the baton be utilized. I cannot understand, nor would I work for any Service that allows it's officers to use weapons on passively defensive people. It's pathetic and gives a useful weapon like the taser a bad reputation.

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TheSofaKing says...

For a police officer... hands in pockets are bad. Walking perpendicular to the line of officers when it would seem pretty obvious to anyone in that situation that you should be moving away from them, is bad.

Once the guy did collapse, the protesters likely did obstruct efforts to help him... haven't seen any video of that yet.

Wrong place, wrong time.

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TheSofaKing says...

Luckily things worked out in this situation... however... getting that close to someone wielding a 3 ft sword is stupid. The chance of one of those officers (or even the asshole) being mortally wounded by that sword in the scuffle is FAR greater then the chance this piece of shit would die via the taser.

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TheSofaKing says...

omg...the stupid.... I tried to turn it off about 15 seconds in, but I literally became so stupid just from watching it that I was unable to work the controls of the player.... I'm gonna go drool in the corner and maybe read some old testament.

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