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Justice Has Been Served -This Bad Driver Got Busted

ReverendTed says...

These "wait for the dang bus" laws are in place for the same reason you're not allowed to use common sense at a stoplight. When people were being trusted to use common sense, other people were getting killed.

The Nanny State protects you against yourself. This is protecting people from each other.

News Anchor Responds to Viewer Email Calling Her "Fat"

A Princess Earns Her Crown (Happy Talk Post)



The Heavy - Big Bad Wolf

Misconceptions About Temperature

ReverendTed says...

>> ^grinter:
"I need to go through life looking for some little thing that I can use to put someone else down. ..So that I can point it out on the Internet in hopes that people will say that they 'like' me... ..I mean, my comment."
Dang, that's cold.

(Or does it just feel cold?)

Misconceptions About Temperature

ReverendTed says...

>> ^messenger:

"I need some people who will never accept the science even when the proof is melting in their hands."
"To the Tea Party rally!">> ^ReverendTed:
"I need some video of folks who are likely to misunderstand basic science."
"To The Craft Fair!"

"I need a place where any random topic can be twisted into a political argument. Oh, we're already there."

Misconceptions About Temperature

Perpetual Motion

ReverendTed jokingly says...

>> ^Jinx:

Anybody that says they've built a perpetual motion machine should be viewed with the same skepticism as somebody who claims they've built a time machine.
But the man who claims to have built both might be worth taking seriously, because wouldn't that be one of the first things you brought back from the future?

The Heavy - Big Bad Wolf

32 Metronomes Become Synchronized

32 Metronomes Become Synchronized

Grad School Scam

Make me laugh, get Torchlight 2 (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

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