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If Only There Was Some Type of Warning

A Woman with Many Talents

Lara Logan report on her assault in Egypt

Mazex says...

It does seem a bit naive and terrible risk assessment to have a white, young, attractive female reporter to enter a throng of excited arab men after a very violent scenario happening in the country. I don't know who's bad idea it was for the location, hers or the producers. But yeah obviously it was horrific situation and I'm surprised from the account she didn't get killed.

Trump Whines about being picked on

Mazex says...

>> ^Drachen_Jager:

"When we're dealing with China, our politicians need to realise that we hold all the cards."
Really? Are you that stupid?
I guess he is. How else could he possibly have run a Casino into the ground. A Casino in the United states is like a legal money printing press, but the Donald screws it up? Yikes.

Yeah exactly, also with that attitude towards China, can see so many WW3 scenarios becoming reality.

The Worst Beatboxer Ever

Parrot mimicks a woman's phone conversation, ahahahaha!

Mazex says...

I'm now pretty sure parrots are in cahoots with satan because that sounded so evil. Also M Night Shyamalan should do a film about a parrot that is copying the conversations of people in the future, through its conversations its owners discover the world is going to end and then try and escape the inevitable, the final twist is that it was all the parrots dream but as it wakes up it starts saying a weird alien language.

Top 10 Movie Sex Positions

Mazex says...

Yeah this wasn't remotely funny, seemed like they were trying too hard. The title is misleading too, none of them are really positions to have sex in, they are sexual situation parodies. Also surely they know at least 1 girl who could of featured in it....

>> ^nanrod:

Seriously, you're being too kind.>> ^rottenseed:
It's pretty easy to get me to laugh...slapstick, sarcasm, dry British humor, somebody in family diagnosed with cancer, child getting hit by truck—the list goes on. But somehow, this managed to run for almost 2 and a half minutes without inducing so much as a chuckle.

TYT: Online Poker FBI Crackdown

Mazex says...

Of course the government is better suited to make decisions than the average person, that's why they are the government.....(mostly)Educated and experienced in leading people, making decisions and understanding the needs of the country(rich people).

It's not really about who has the better decision, its about who can influence what supposed decisions there are. In reality there aren't really any decisions anyway but yeah..

"Survival of the fittest" So sad/funny when people throw this metaphor around and have no idea of its meaning.

>> ^Duckman33:
>> So you're telling me that the Government is better suited to make decisions on how to run my life than I am? They are human too, so what makes their decisions better than mine? Sure, we make bad decisions and we pay for them. Sometimes we die because of them. That's called survival of the fittest, or EIA.

TYT: Online Poker FBI Crackdown

Mazex says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^Matthu:
I don't follow the libertarian view that people should be left to their own devices. If they were, you'd see homeless junkies who gambled away their homes in the streets.

You mean we aren't and haven't been seeing that for years already? Wow where the hell have I been all my life? I could have sworn people have been losing their homes, families, and jobs for years due to gambling addictions...
Basically it's our lives and our money, and we should be able to spend it how we wish. If it puts us in the poor house, on the streets, etc. That's our decision to make. Not yours, not the Goverments, not anyone elses but our own. Period.

Problem is most people are so stupid/misinformed/ignorant that all their supposed decisions are really just guided by large corporations, plus humans are horrible decision makers overall anyway, our brains aren't really structured to make good decisions in modern civilization.

TED Talks - Roger Ebert: Remaking my voice

David Mitchell on the BBC vs Politicians - 10 O'Clock Live

Mazex says...

I don't know why people have so much belief into democracy. It's just sneaky tyranny, the rich influence the politicians, and it essentially doesn't matter who you vote for because the government doesn't decide anything important on their own.

Stop Torrenting!

Mazex says...

I dont see pirating as a bad thing, I mean I wouldnt buy most movies i download anyway so it's not like the company are losing anything. Plus they have enough money and they aren't doing much to innovate the industry, mostly just churn out hollywood template films or films based on books/comics nowadays.

Infact by saving my money and spending it on other worthy industries, I'm helping the human race more. People counter piracy by saying if everyone pirated then movie companies would go bankrupt, but if movie companies even started to see a loss overall per year they'd do something drastic to even the balance and if that meant the end to downloading online for a cheaper and better alternative to the current movie industry, then pirating helped advance human civilization.

Severely Autistic Girl Finds Voice and Finds Life

Mazex says...

Pretty amazing, I guesss people underestimate how much information can be picked up by people without specifically teaching them, especially when it's someone who is autistic.

The way she could suddenly communicate reminds me of those people who have head trauma and suddenly start speaking other languages having never learned them.

Walk the dinosaur! (Best school event ever!)

Artful 'Tron:Legacy' Playboy Photoshoot (NSFW for nudity!)

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