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Trump’s Loyalties

Trump praises Putin's invasion of Ukraine as 'genius'

Trump praises Putin's invasion of Ukraine as 'genius'

Trump praises Putin's invasion of Ukraine as 'genius'

Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...


newtboy said:

Not even one bit surprised you bought into the dishonest racist fervor.
You don’t get mad at children for being childish, you just feel sad they are such disappointments.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

If [Durham Filing] Is True, It's A Lot Bigger Than Watergate

JiggaJonson says...

Let me know when the prosecuting attorney for a state is after em eh?

Oh wait, that's already happenin to ya' boi in New York. In my experience, the thing that'll get u kicked out of the rich kids' club is stealing money from them.

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

Stop Kowtowing to China | Real Time with Bill Maher

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they would NEVER overthrow the government...unless trump told them to via the insurrection act. WELL

WELL WELL WELL that's very comforting, i guess you were right after all, nothing to worry about here. Just a buncha guys sittin around with thousands of rounds of ammo, assault rifles, spare parts, and body armor ready to overthrow the gov if ordered. Sittin around havin some breadsticks.

I saw ur comment about you care about everyone blah blah, just not in a public-policy-enforcable kind of way right? Well this concerns all of us. These people were ready to create a dictatorship.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Here's an example that if the world operated the way Bob suggested I think this trans athlete would demolish the ladies if forced to play in the league for the gender on their birth certificate.

So what he's really tryin to say is that trans athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete at all because they are unworthy of any kind of human dignity.

He's also assuming that testosterone = winning
Thanks Billie Jean King

newtboy said:

Name 5 examples of this in the last 100 years….by name, not “some swimmer” “some weightlifter”. An actual trans athlete consistently dominating their sport with the stats to prove it, not one win.

Trans athletes have competed in the Olympics for almost two decades, yet non trans women still win the medals….explain.
It’s pure snowflake drivel, and since you’re a Republican it’s obvious you are somehow guilty of the thing you rail against. You guys always are. Are you competing as a trans athlete, or is it your boyfriend/wife? I know there’s a connection.

Let’s all remember, this is exactly the argument once used to keep blacks out of sports made by the same group making that argument today.

Pence Finally Tells The Truth

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

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