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The Reason Behind Dots on Car Windshields

That’s Not A Dog Morgan


Saving A Wild Echidna

Hef says...

This is like the idiots who will "save" a sloth from swimming across a river or lake despite the fact that they were doing just fine.

Echidnas are actually very good swimmers and use their long noses like snorkels, sometimes they'll just hop in the water for a bit of fun.
What if the little echidna's burrow was on the other side?

Quick-thinking witnesses rescue kangaroo

Hef says...

The lake is huge, so even if you spaced out a ramp every few hundred metres, you're talking a lot of ramps.

The water also isn't good for swimming, and I think ramps would give the wrong impression.

newtboy said:

Is there some reason they can’t put in an escape ramp?

Quick-thinking witnesses rescue kangaroo

Hef says...

I live near this lake, and it's pretty shallow on the edges.
Kangaroos will naturally jump in water to get away from people and their dogs (see all the news articles about them drowning peoples dogs), but then they can't get out because of the wall.

What you see here is a semi-regular event at Lake Burley-Griffin, and sometimes the roos don't make it out.

The more you know.

Child dragged by school bus in Kentucky

Hef says...

Also a lot of rehab and permanent nerve damage for the poor girl. She will never be the same again. Not sure that's worth the 5 mil...

BSR said:

If the bus driver had to slam on the brakes the guy standing in the aisle would probably go through windshield. To hell with seatbelts!

Also, Family of girl dragged by JCPS school bus gets nearly $5M in settlement. Bazinga!

RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas

Girl Demands To Be Arrested When Her Best Friend Gets an OWI

Hef says...

Um... what!?
Best I can tell, this young person was just concerned for the wellbeing of her friend, and given the number of videos that we see on the Sift of cops showing that they absolutely cannot be trusted, I think that's fair enough.

If your argument is that it's wrong that her boyfriend would probably get much worse treatment for the same behaviour, then you've phrased it really strangely, but I agree; we need fewer people caught up in the justice system for minor stuff, not more, regardless of gender or race.

Good on the cops in this case for getting the balance right and only charging the idiot who got drunk and endangered others by getting behind the wheel.

newtboy said:

All that…public drunkenness as a minor, obstructing, disturbing the peace, disorderly conducts, ignoring a lawful order, and identity theft (technically)/using another person’s ID…and it took 15 minutes to finally decide to arrest her and then she got ONE charge that was DROPPED! Holy shit, white girl privilege is STRONG. Her boyfriend would be denied bail if he acted that way, and likely get an assaulting a police officer charge added for fun. *wtf

The Bricklayer's Accident Report

VLDL: Showing off video game cosmetics - Poser

Harry Potter and the Return of the Receipt

Hef says...

Uh why does this have the Asia tag?
It's clearly Australia.

Also we don't have a mandatory masks rule here because unlike some countries run by orange muppets, we're actually doing an okay job at stopping the spread.

The more you know!

Honest Election Ad - Batman by-election

Hef says...

Pretty sure it's pronounced "bate-man" rather than like the superhero. Odd that an Australian satire mob would get that wrong.

Paul the pig cleans up his toys when asked

Bodycam Shows Police Arrest Belligerent 18 Year-Old Woman

Hef says...

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
I expect police to behave in a far more professional manner than this guy did.
I bet he wouldn't last a day teaching in any high school, just body slam the first kid that mouthed off and end up in bars where he belonged. Yet give him a badge and a gun and suddenly he's applauded for being a thug. Go figure.

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