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9/11 Demolitions

Goofball_Jones says...

"Haliburton, KBR, Boeing, and all of the war profiteers are doing quite well, thank you."

Ah, so they're behind the attacks too are they? Tie in the Cubans and the Mafia and you've got yourself an Oliver Stone movie!

9/11 Demolitions

Goofball_Jones says...

Lets say that it was done by Bush. Why? What did he gain from it? He put us in a war that's going horribly....there's certainly no big oil coming out of Iraq at the moment. The "powers that be" are dropping like flies out of the administration. The House and the Senate are both controlled now by "the enemy" (Democrates). The press...while they went to sleep basically after 9/11, are VERY much awake now and hounding these people left and right.

So what exactly did they gain by blowing up the WTC and the Pentagon? To create fear in everyone so they can control us? exactly are they controlling us now as we're all calling for their heads?

9/11 Demolitions

Goofball_Jones says...

There is evidence that it goes far deeper than just the government and Bush being behind this. I heard on Art Bell's show that "The Greys" are behind this all, including the Bush presidency.

All the evidence was easily covered up because The Greys technology is far superior to our own and they are also able to wipe people's memories. The reason of course that WTC 7 was destroyed is because it housed physical evidence of The Grey's involvement in many of the worlds affairs. Choggie, even though he's impossible to understand in any meaningful way because of his head injury, is on top of things here.


Sin City - Hey!!

Team Fortress 2: The Engineer

Goofball_Jones says...

*viral siftbot making comments on here as to the inner-workings of videosift. All some goofball has to do is right *viral or whatever else keyword and can make siftbot make a comment. Hmmmm...wonder if it can be abused.

Team Fortress 2: The Engineer

9/11 conspiracy theory debunked

Goofball_Jones says...

choggie, this is not meant as an insult at all, but I'm just wondering if English is like your 3rd or 4th language, because I always have a hard time following what you're trying to say. It's almost like you wrote it out in your native language, translated it via a web translator to Korean, then French, then into English. I'm just wondering.

9/11 conspiracy theory debunked

Goofball_Jones says...

Show you the evidence that the US government doesn't do this sort of thing? Hmmm...have you ever tried proving a negative? Give it a shot...

Also, what's more plausible...20 goofballs highjacking planes and ramming them into buildings, or a massive conspiracy involving thousands of people to pull off with no credible witnesses at all and no physical evidence of any explosives....and then having all those people involved remain totally silent about the whole thing?

9/11 conspiracy theory debunked

Goofball_Jones says...

Give it up, people will always believe there is a conspiracy. No matter WHO conducts the investigation, they will always believe it was a set-up by the government.

If they did a totally independent investigation and find the same things, they will all claim some other BS. I mean, look at the idiotic Face on Mars thing....back when Viking took that picture it looked like a face...but when the Mars Global Surveyor took detailed photos of the area, it was shown to be just a mountain...nothing more. No ancient Martian race or architecture. But to this day, there are still people that STILL believe it's a face and that the government is covering it up with false photos. No matter what, people will believe what they want.

Don't let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy.

A tied down helicopter/chinook is tied down and set on full.

Rudy Giuliani - the Command Center built in wrong place

Goofball_Jones says...

Way to go JoeDirt! What a great attack piece on a presidential candidate! But you need to be a little more insistent on his guilt. Make sure you throw in some of the 9/11 conspiracy plots in on this also. Like say....start the rumor that Giuliani was in on the attack with the terrorists. That should totally destroy him!

Okay, Giuliani is taken care of. Who do we go after next?

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