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Dan Aykroyd in the Background Ripping it Up

What's This?

Hail Stanford, Hail! Invention of the Laser

Goofball_Jones says...

Thought it was invented at Bell Labs. Well, the Maser at least...

Also, the Wikipedia article about the Laser doesn't even have the word "Stanford".

Also, Gordon Gould is also widely credited as the inventor of the Laser. He's also the one that came up with the term "laser". Gould was from Columbia University. So again, where is Stanford coming into play here?

Fantastic Dove Ad: Talk to Your Daughter Before They Do!

Goofball_Jones says...

Yes are so much smarter than we are. We bow to your obviously superior intellect.

And bravo to refer to a Bill Hicks rant to emphasize your point! What a joyful, happy life you must lead knowing how much better you are than us! Yes, we have zero clue and the advertising IQ of 24.

It's too bad because don't people like you rant and rant and rant until you hit about 30 then kill yourselves...leaving some rambling suicide note on how you were too good for the world? Tick tock, tick tock...the clock is running.

The Colbert Report Green Screen Challenge Winner

Stephen Colbert: Freedom Fighter

Goofball_Jones says...

Why was this voted down? Did you piss someone off mix? I mean, we all know people don't actually WATCH any of these videos, they just vote for their buddies so that leaves me to wonder who you pissed off to get this downvoted.

Tommy Emmanuel playing guitar how it should be done

Why Macs Suck

Dying Professor's Last Lecture

Goofball_Jones says...

Ah, again, another example of a video that I posted a while ago and it went no where...but NOW someone else comes along and posts it and everything is fine. It's even on the top 20!

Way to go VideoSift! I'd probably be a gold-star member if all my original postings made it out of the sift. As it is, this is one in a long line of videos that were posted by someone else after it failed to make it out of the que for me.

Oh well, at least someone is getting something back from coming to this site...way to go theaceofclubz. This is an important, inspirational speech.


Polish Woman Rolls up a Frying Pan

Goofball_Jones says...

Anyone else notice how totally fake this looks? What was the cookware she was using? Was it real?

I know for a fact she wouldn't be able to do that with the skillet I use...a big cast-iron monstrosity.

Also, what can she use this skill for? She can roll-up a cheaply made frying pan...mmmmkay, now what? I knew a guy that could blow smoke out of his eye-socket...couldn't find a way to contribute to society or really make a living from it. He's a tax accountant now, nice guy...stopped smoking 10 years ago.

Um...what was I talking about again?

Do We Really Need FCC Censorship? - Penn and Teller

Goofball_Jones says...

BrightGuy, that's all fine and good and that's the reason to have the FCC, to regulate spectrum...but not to police the airwaves on the content. Decency should be left to the listener/viewer, not from some government agency who won't even say what they'll fine have to air something and get fined first before they'll tell you. When they wanted to run Saving Private Ryan a few years ago on broadcast TV they asked the FCC would they get fined, the FCC said they won't answer that...basically telling them air it and find out!

All this to "protect the children" know what, I'm sick of the goddamn children...

What Metallica sounds like without Pro-Tools

Crazy Stunt By Passenger Jet At Portugal Airshow

Will Ferrell as Harry Caray: if you a hotdog...

Sift Money (Sift Talk Post)

Goofball_Jones says...

Don't know, I was going to sit down and start fixing some dead videos as since I'm not part of the top 6 or 7 people that get their videos voted for (I'll put something in, doesn't get any votes...then one of the elite put the same video in and it makes it out of the go figure).

SO, since I can't really contribute here, I thought I'd do something constructive like fix a few broken links. I fixed one and got a point and it was nice and everything...then I went looking for the second one, didn't quite find it right away and had to do some pretty involved searching before I found the exact video that was broken...and it told me that I had been awarded a point to soon. Ok, that's fine I guess. I suppose my only insentive should be to just fix the broken links and contribute my time...with only a "job well done and thanks" as a reward.

Or how about away with star-points altogether. Who cares that Ant has over 250 stars or so-and-so only has 2? Should be open for someone to register here and then vote. If your video makes it out of the que, pat yourself on the back and get nothing more. Make this a real Web 2.0 site and not be reserved to the top 15 or 20 people that seem to be the only ones who get a video out of que. You get a core group of people that all know each other, NATURALLY they're going to vote for their friends their friends get more stars and they in turn get more stars when their videos are voted on by the same people.

It's all the usual suspects...look for yourselves, don't take my word for it. Either that, or when a link goes dead and THEY don't maintain it, they lose that star. They post here to get a star, why shouldn't someone coming up behind them fixing their dead links get one also?

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