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ALIEN (1979) behind the scenes

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EvilDeathBee says...

@chingalera, I must say I'm not surprised that you would be one of the few people that could only see a negative here and get outraged by it. You have this inane ability to not listen to what people actually say, instead only hearing what you want to hear and make up bat shit insane nonsense over it based on your own bias.
I'm not against debate (although I do not enjoy participating, usually), and I enjoy hearing multiple views and reasoning behind them, when they are well thought out and make me consider my own view. Your babbling has never done that. At first it was amusing, but it soon became tedious and annoying.

And I've had enough, which is unfortunate because once in a blue moon you are capable of friendly or considerate banter, but these are all too infrequent. I shall be adding you to my ignore list, and I hope that someday you'll begin to consider what you say and consider another's opinion before going off half cocked.

Good day, sir.

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Homemade Air Conditioner DIY - "5 Gallon Bucket" Air Cooler

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