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How to Open a Master Lock with No Key or Special Tools

Kitty Takes Down A Child WWE Style

Hoo Ba Ba Kanda - Pogo (Ft. televangelist Robert Tilton)

Jackie Chan learning Shaolin techniques from a Kid

Conor McGregor vs The Mountain

Bruti79 says...


I'm sure if by luck, or by skill, The Mountain landed a full blow on him, there would be some big damage involved. I acknowledge that skill is the factor in most fights, but the man could probably eat McGregor's weight for lunch. =)

ChaosEngine said:

It's a friendly sparring match. Did you think he was going to crush his head or something?

I've no doubt that McGregor could beat people a lot bigger than him, but there's a limit.

McGregor is 1.75 m and 66 kg (that's 5' 9 and 145 lb for the people still living in the 1800s), and Björnsson is 2.06 m and 190 kg (6' 9, 420 lb). He's nearly 3 times his size!

LOUD- Ol' Felllow Does Some Fine Magic to Appreciative Bunch

Marty McFly & Doc Brown Visit Jimmy Kimmel Live

Engineering Dad, Fathers The Shit Out Of His Daughter

Justin Trudeau explains marijuana legalization to a mother.

Bruti79 says...

Yeah, when he asked her how many addicts where pot addicts, I just smiled. She was trying to set him up into a sound byte, and it turned around on her. =)

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Canadian Election

Bruti79 says...

The whole argument was stupid, because the oath is ceremonial. It doesn't mean anything. The amount of paper work that someone has to go through to get citizenship is astounding. They have to be indentified numerous times. Yes, they even have to show their face to match photo ID, but it's done in a special room with other women officials who can confirm the identity. The actual oath they take happens in private most of the time.

The standing in a room with everyone else is just for effect and has no practical sway on the process itself.

The two women who were trying to do it had already shown their faces and gone through the process. You could be wearing a Polkaroo costume at the oath ceremony, and it will still have the same effect.

I personally don't agree with it, but having actual religious freedom means you can't tell anyone what they can or can not wear.

The whole thing was stupid.

ChaosEngine said:

And I get that the women mostly want to wear it (questions of cultural pressure and/or indoctrination of children aside).

But I fundamentally disagree that anyone should get special treatment because of your religion. The law should be blind to religion.

If a christian, a jew or an atheist can wear a niqab, then a muslim woman should be able to too. If they can't, then they shouldn't get special treatment.

Is there a requirement to be able to facially identify someone at a citizenship ceremony? If not, no problem. If so, would the muslim woman agree to having another woman identify her? If so, again, no problem.

But she shouldn't expect people to change the law for her.

Amazing yoga muscle skills...

Cuba's Netflix, Hulu, and Spotify - all without the Internet

Bruti79 says...

Cuba is one of my favourite places to travel to. If you ever get the chance to (and the US will get it very soon,) I recommend going. Go off the resorts, talk and meet with everyone.

As for computers, technology and the ilk, there is a black market for it. A lot of tourists have deals set up where they bring in tablets, phones, clothing for people and get paid well for it.

I was talking to one of the guides from Moron (yes, actually named that.) They said aside from drugs, the second highest black market industry is high fashion. They essentially see what the tourists are wearing, and then they try and copy, hand make, bargain for the same clothes. Tech works the same way, they see the cameras, phones, tablets, and either cobble together something from parts they have around, or they make a deal.

It's a really rad place, food, dancing, people, if you get a chance to go, go. You will love it. =)

The Card Conjuror

Bruti79 says...

That was damn fine. I have no idea how he pulled 99% of that off. The only thing I got was, he hooked a string to the cards and pulled them up. =)

HARDCORE Official TIFF trailer (NSFW)

Bruti79 says...

I saw it yesterday at Tiff, it was amazing. The story was fun, but not too serious. The action sequences had some insane stunts. I imagine that the insurance policies in Russia were a lot more lapse. I recommend going to see it, it's just a fun movie. =)

Tom Hardy Aggressively Responds To Sexuality Question.

Bruti79 says...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, *shakes head* Toronto media goes two for two on mucking up Tom Hardy questions. It was a Toronto reporter that asked him the Mad Max "chick flick" question in Cannes.

Man, our media is terrible. =(

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