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BattleBots - Blacksmith vs. Minotaur

BattleBots - Blacksmith vs. Minotaur

Bruti79 says...

Side note, there was also an awesome match where someone got their battery sawed through and the fluid spilled out all over the arena floor. =)

BattleBots - Blacksmith vs. Minotaur

Bruti79 says...

The guy who made Minotaur is also a metalurgist, so he specifically made strong compounds for the drum and the frame. The hammer may have been effective against some bots, but his Mino's composition was just bouncing that hammer off it's frame.

I'm glad this show came back. =)

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

Bruti79 says...

Very interesting, thanks for the additional info. I believe that the plantiff paying isn't subject to appeal in Ontario, I could be wrong, but I have a few lawyer friends I'll ask.

It's a neat look at how the laws work for and against someone.

Babymech said:

Like he says in the video - the US has plenty of rules like that, and he won. The rule did its job and the court did its job, for what that's worth.

Under rule 11, his team claimed that Smart Options brought their lawsuit without doing their due diligence - they sued Braxton before they even looked at the product he was offering. Under that rule, his reasonable legal costs would be covered by the plaintiff, and the court agreed with them.

The plaintiff had the right to appeal, both the original ruling and the rule 11 ruling, which they chose to do. Braxton didn't want to wait for the appeal to be resolved (because it's expensive to wait for the system) so he opted to go into mediation with Smart Options and they scared the shit out of him. That's how he lost (until he brought Spangenberger on board).

The problem (in this case) isn't the legal mechanism itself - it's the fact that it takes a lot of time for these issues to be finally resolved, and that time span can kill a small business. I would guess that holds true in Ontario as well.

How Peter Braxton defeated a patent troll and still lost

Bruti79 says...

There's a law in Ontario (and I'm sure it's similar in the rest of Canada,) that says if someone takes you to court and attempts to sue you, if you win your case, the person who tried to sue you has to pay your legal defences. That's a light paraphrasing, I'm sure there's more nuance, but it dramatically reduces the civil cases. If you're going to sue someone, you better be damn sure you're in the right, or else you may end up paying their legal fees.

I think I already know the answer, but why doesn't America do that?

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