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Parrot Vibrates Frantically While Holding a Plastic Cup


Scuba Diver Plays With Octopus

Bruti79 says...

The CBC has a show called the Passionate Eye and they did and episode on re-evaluating the intelligence of animals. Essentially, a group of biologists and psychologists said we need to reclassify how we structure intelligence. Make it a tiered system with the top tier containing Humans/Primates, Elephants, Dolphins/Whales, a certain species of crow, and octopi. =)

KrazyKat42 said:

It make you wonder how smart they really are.

When woman couldn't run in the Boston Marathon...she ran

Bruti79 says...

You asked me to explain why the "Equality Pendulum" wasn't anywhere close to the middle. I responded and asked you a question. The fact that you ignored all of that means you are either exceptionally dumb or a troll.

I'll just leave this question with you, answer it if you want, or not.

When in you're life has your gender, race, or sexual orientation ever held you back you from doing something?

If you want to have an actual conversation about equality in the world, answer that question. If you want to troll away, have at it.

In conclusion:

You can do whatever you want. =)

newtboy said:

What does that have to do with being allowed to run in the 70's- today or with perpetuating sexual division in public marathons?
How many women alive today had to fight for their right to vote? How many of them run marathons?
I guess you support black only marathons too, then, right?

When woman couldn't run in the Boston Marathon...she ran

Bruti79 says...

It's still been less than 100 years since women had to fight for the right to vote. When was the last time your had to fight for your right to vote because it was denied to you based on how you were born?

newtboy said:

OK, but it's never been close to the middle, huh?
Really? Please explain.

When woman couldn't run in the Boston Marathon...she ran

Bruti79 says...

When it finally gets to the middle, maybe it will, but it hasn't been close, ever.

It's still less than a 100 years when women had to fight for the right to vote. I'm sure if men were ever denied the right to vote base on how they were born, you'd see some type of civil rights movement.

Oh, wait.

newtboy said:

Why does no one ever seem to want the pendulum of inequality to stop in the middle?

Putting salt water in holes

Canada Vignettes: Log Driver's Waltz

The pain must have been unbearable

Harley Quinn vs. Nightwing

Little Kid Commits To Big Air

Bruti79 says...

Oh yeah, I did the same thing when I was 13. Skis off a snow board jump mean you're gonna have a bad time. I always claim the jump was amazing, it was the landing that needed more attention. =)

Also, the end of my day. =)

shagen454 said:

I think I was 15 or 16 when I stupidly tried to ski over a snowboard jump with as much speed as possible, nearly popped both of my knees out. Like this kid, cleared the entire jump by a good 10 feet right onto flat hard ground. And like you said, that was pretty much the end of my ski day, lol

Canadian Hunter Shames Bear Off Tree

I dare you not to find this mind-blowing!

Thanks Obama

Name Three Scottish Inventions

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