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... Interpreter Translates Mandela Memorial Imposter's Signs

BicycleRepairMan says...

Also, it needs to be said, that although the S.African interpreter is probably completely faking it, sign language is actually different from country to country, just like speaking/writing language, so a reall S.A interpreter might not make sense to a US interpreter either. (Not saying the guy at the Mandela ceremony is real, but a real translater might be nonsensical to the rest of the worlds hearing impaired as well..)

... Interpreter Translates Mandela Memorial Imposter's Signs

BicycleRepairMan says...

My only problem here is that Jimmy Kimmel and similar shows do jokes like this all the time , by "interpreting" videos falsely ie: the "bleep and blur" thing, the miss america "translation", but this guy, as I understand it, is a real interpreter and translate the nonsense as best as he can?

Godzilla - Official Trailer 2014

Mother keeps her cool in the middle of a Detroit car-jacking

BicycleRepairMan says...

Ok, on second viewing , you might be referring to the way she sort of grabbed him and shoved him into the car before the carjacking, but then again, she might have sensed that something was up and wanting to get out of there asap, also she has balloons, it is likely they were at some fun-for kids event and he wasnt to eager to leave. Parenting can be hard, and perhaps this was after a long persuation thing to get him to the car.. Anyway, sorry about the quick downvote, but I just think criticizing her parenting here was REALLY off the mark.

Mother keeps her cool in the middle of a Detroit car-jacking

Fox Using Magnetic Field Resonance to Target Prey

BicycleRepairMan says...

According to the article, cloud cover, time of day etc had no effect on the success rate, things like that would drastically alter the results (evening them out) , if the shadow was the cause.

BTW, i'm still skeptical myself, as it seems pretty wild, but it sure is interesting if it is true that there is a constant, directional bias in the success rate..

Payback said:

The mice can probably see a shadow through the snow, and they run away from the direction it comes from. Jumping from South to North probably gives the least amount of warning, increasing the chance of a kill.

Fox Using Magnetic Field Resonance to Target Prey

BicycleRepairMan says...

Its not at all impossible, if it can sense a fixed point in front of it(the north pole) all thats needed is to compare the exact direction from which the sound originate and triangulate to get the exact distance, I suppose. it might not be harder for a fox to do then it is for us to intuitively calculate the path of an incoming ball so we can catch it..

EDIT: I reread the article, it seems the hypothesis is that the fox lines up the direction of the sound from the prey with the direction to the North Pole (which is below the horizon in most places), it then knows that the prey is at a fixed distance. its basically what I said, except its the simplest form of triangulation, with just a fixed distance and one line..

rychan said:

What kind of babble is this? Be specific, how is he actually using the magnetic field to tell where the prey is? Why does that depend on being North Aligned? How does facing north help plot a trajectory? Sounds like pseudo-science BS.

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

BicycleRepairMan says...

Well, we both agree on the non-existence of god, I am glad to say, but your point here is still nonsense, the idea that humans are the culprit of most human suffering is just wrong. Sure, there are some dreadful examples, but by far, most suffering comes from non-human controlled factors like disease, disasters, random accidents etc. Humans have actually done quite a bit to reduce the "naturally" occurring death and suffering visited upon us (like medicine or early warning systems for bad weather etc) We have also raised the living standards from a fearful, ignorant, dangerous habitat for at least some parts of the world.

Lawdeedaw said:

However, mankind brings more tragedy than naturally balancing and we bring far more than God will ever bring. (I don't believe in God so I believe we are all the root for excessive suffering.)

Morality and the Christian God - Sam Harris

BicycleRepairMan says...

This argument is certainly dumber by far. On this logic, we should never have invented vaccines or penicillin, after all, these medical advances, and countless others, means we are bereaved of thousands of opportunities to fuel our happiness with tragedy every day.. Trying to justify tragedy by Gods pragmatism is nonsensical on so many levels.

And yeah, there is more than one Christian denomination, and many of them contradict each other, I'm pretty sure Harris is aware of this fact. However, he is arguing against a common or at least widespread interpretation, and the logical consequences of such an interpretation. I believe this video is from a debate with William Lane Craig, who is a catholic, which may explain why it seems to be focused on classic catholic themes (Suffering of Jesus, threat of hell etc.) If you don't believe in hell, then obviously many of the arguments in this video does not apply. Fine. Many believe in hell, thus the arguments applies to those people.

Lawdeedaw said:

Also, the argument about God not being able to stop suffering or death is a false argument. And here is why.

You know children that cannot feel any pain sensation at all? They scratch their own eyeballs out or rip holes into their flesh. They also don't feel pleasure. Why shouldn't God take away pain? Because survival says that's fucking stupid.

Also, sadness or happiness or anything MUST have a counterpart to even exist. Tragedy brings happiness. We miss our children only because we loved them and we loved them only because we know we might not always have that chance. However, mankind brings more tragedy than naturally balancing and we bring far more than God will ever bring. (I don't believe in God so I believe we are all the root for excessive suffering.)

White supremacist discovers he's part black

BicycleRepairMan says...

Actually, and I havent done any maths at all here, nor do I know exactly what kind of test this is, but I suspect, on a hunch, that this a relatively close mix by the look of it too. Grossly simplified argument/examples :If one of your parents are black, thats 50%, if one of your grandparents, that 1 in four= 25 %, if one of your great-grandparents were black, thats 12.5%. So hes pretty black, that white supremecist asshole.

White supremacist discovers he's part black

Craig Ferguson interviews Minecraft's Notch

Pastor Pretends to be Open Minded in Sterile Modernist Room

Pastor Pretends to be Open Minded in Sterile Modernist Room

BicycleRepairMan says...

Basically : "Everything in the bible is true. No questions asked. Heres my humble, non-arrogant, thoughtful and logical interpretation of the conclusions we can draw from that arrogant, pompous, ignorant and completely unlikely to be true-assumption."

Beauty of Mathematics

BicycleRepairMan says...

Well, what they could have shown, would be, for instance, video of collecting/ sampling of DNA from a crime scene, electrophoresis readouts in the middle , and say the doubling process in the PCR cycle expressed mathematically. This way the three windows would be directly linked and math would be involved and linked to the actual thing they were showing.

vaire2ube said:

they were showing what they could, for comparison to the other algorithm-representation model of the other slides.

they chose the amino acids triplets... then showed a string of DNA (codons) and the PCR/electrophoresis was a visualization again of the strings of DNA... and make up fingerprints eventually with the protein they output.

the mathematical themes here are recursion, at least

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