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Epic Counter-Strike Ninja Defuse

BicycleRepairMan says...

Funny, but I call fake on this one , Its ridiculous that what seems to be 3 otherwise routined CS players would walk past that crate (which is roughly in the middle of the map, ie, THE meeting area) without noticing the dude there. also at 0.51 in the video, he is clearly in view of the bomb-planting T.

Ikea's new technology will crush Apple and Samsung

BicycleRepairMan says...

Yeah, thats how its pronounced in Sweden, I guess its rather optional, since "IKEA" doesnt actually mean anything in swedish, its short for the founders name and home place Ingmar Kamprad something something

lucky760 said:

Is *that* how it's supposed to be pronounced? E-kee-uh?

I had no e-dee-uh.

Ridiculously Overpacked Battery Charger

Solar FREAKIN' Roadways!

BicycleRepairMan says...

Still have a few questions about this, what if you build like 20 miles of this, and theres a faultline or heat causing two 10-mile halves to separate like 10 cm?, do you upend and move one half after the other?, or do you patch it in with cables and concrete? You might say earthquakes are rare, but even a change in heat can cause the road to expand. I have seen this first hand, I once worked on a bridgeproject on a 5km long bridge, and the edges moves quite a lot due to changes in temperature making the bridge expand or contract.

Im sure this modular concept works fine for building a porch, but making thousands of miles of road under all kinds of conditions, terrain etc is a whole new bag of problems.

I also worked in an office building once, that had these kinds of modular tiles for floors, buildt on stilts, so that you could stretch cables under there (the kind used in server-rooms) again, these things are fine for small server rooms/ilses etc, but when applied to large open office landscapes, they caused all kinds of havok and problems (they became wobbly, uneven, gaps formed etc.) And this was inside, in a brand new building, about as controlled an environment as you can get.

I would love to see these things becoming reality, but highly skeptical that its even doable.

Dancing Bats

BicycleRepairMan says...

Ok, one more amazing bat fact: Bats in flight/hunt has a heartrate of 1000 beats a minute. Amazing, but even more amazing: during hibernation, the heartrate is 4-5 beats a minute! Beat that!

Cat vs. Bat

BicycleRepairMan says...

Also, he could have gotten the cat out of the living room and opened a door and a window and watched some tv, or the bat. It would have found its way out, no problem. unlike birds, bats navigate enclosed spaces with echolocation, so they wont crash into the windows, or anything else.

Cat vs. Bat

BicycleRepairMan says...

Bats are awesome. they are also, atleast in europe, protected, and illegal to kill. Bat species make up 1/4 of all mammal species, the overwhelming majority of them are insectivores and completely harmless to humans (or cats) Despite their small size, they only get 1 or 2 offspring a year, and can live 20-30 years! If you have one in your roof, like under the rooftiles, Keep it! Bats eat 3000 insects EVERY NIGHT. and they never chew or dig or fuck up your house in any way. Their excrements are also almost odor-free and dust-like, so no trouble, unless there are hundreds of bats.

Sea Plane Takes Off From Truck Trailer

The Unluckiest Luckiest Man Ever to Live

The Unluckiest Luckiest Man Ever to Live

Don't Sleep With Another Man's Woman

Dolly Parton's "Jolene" at 33rpm

BicycleRepairMan says...

Most songs sound awful when played at the wrong speed, analog or not.

AeroMechanical said:

It's also an interesting demonstration of the virtues of analog recordings. If you took the 44.1KHz CD version and played it at 32KHz, it would sound like muffled crap. This just sounds like a different song.

edit: Er, okay a different version of the same song. If it played a different song, that would be really impressive.

Jon Stewart epic Sean Hannity take-down. Truth recovered.

BicycleRepairMan says...

Rushdie actually called Stewart himself after the Cat Stevens thing and Stewart realized his mistake in inviting Yusuf Islam to the rally. Penn Jillette tells this story on one of his sunday school podcast episodes. Stewart first vigorously defended himself, then hung up, checked the facts and called Rushdie back with a full apology. Couldnt find that clip, but Rushdie mentions the incident here:

Creationist Cosmos

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