user referral link trackback sift evangelism

i just recommended the sift to a friend, as i often do, and it gave me an idea. what you guys need is another feature request that may have been previously discussed already! so here ya go:

it would be cool if i could send my friend a signup link with my username in it, so that if he joined up i would get some kind of referral credit. his profile could say "invited by MINK".
i would definitely spam all my friends if i thought i would get some kind of increment in some kind of metric somewhere in my profile.
"top 15 siftevangelists" would be a cool SQL query!
we could be like the mormons!

ohpleaseohpleaseohplease do this.
MINK says...

ooh thanks
i thought maybe not star points, it's like too easy, star points should be special. you should have to find a really good TDS video or write an insightful ST post for that

MINK says...

update on my friend.. he said "nice site" but didn't sign up.
don't need a star really if he does sign up, it seems trivial.
but anyway i would chase him if it would just make my "members recruited" statistic go up by one. lol.

swampgirl says...

Hey Dag, since you referred star points as currency then why not? That would be a fun part of the "game" aspect of the site.

Star points could be credits we can bank or spend. Buy a one time privilege like an extra queue submission, so many for a rank point, a free save.....

Sifty would look great on a coin don't you think?

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It's a very interesting idea. Maybe star points aren't the currency though, as they are more an indicator of merit - maybe we need a seperate currency that can work as you describe.

Perhaps you would get an "allowance" based on your star level - fun stuff.

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