missing VS :-(

I moved to nowhereland, NC and I'm stuck without access! Luckily the kids and I found a tiny library today. :::going through withdrawls:::;

Never thought I'd miss the swamp this much! Cable has to survey my place next week to see if I can get broadband out in my new home in the country. Ugh!

I miss VS!!! Save me!!!

p.s. Daphne, I read about the siftoff results.. Congrats!
rickegee says...

Such a tragic image. Crouched in a tiny library, deprived of meaningful access to a bunch of tubes, seeking a lil' VS fix.

My Tron vid is totally a swampgirl posting. I wish I could transfer the votes.

daphne says...

Thanks, SG! Ironically, I'm in the same boat as you...but not because I got to do something as fun as move. ;-) The motherboard on my computer blew, so I've been reduced to snatching moments on my son's computer - and this one doesn't handle videos as well.

It'll be a while before I can afford to get it replaced because my rabbit is extremely ill...and her health comes before my computer. Send her good thoughts, ya?

I hope you get your internet up soon! I know how disconnected life is without internet access. What abput DSL?

And glad to hear you survived the move! Best of luck in NC!

Farhad2000 says...

Hope the bunny gets better Daphne.

It feels empty without the wenches

At least LadyBug is around... but then she's got multiple personalities and thinks she's a bug. Talk about issues

Krupo says...

I'm about to build a new computer which will result in a spare motherboard... AMD K6-500 processor-based motherboard though (5-8 year old tech)... it might, however, still load vids daphne... let me know if you're interested and I'll build the *new* computer I'm supposed to put together a little sooner! (Unfortunately work has kept me busy as heck lately).

Oh, hardware talk has distracted me from swampgirl - good luck with getting net access back - you'll be back before you know it!

Sifters, ready the bit-bucket brigade.

daphne says...

That's so funny...I had an AMD K6 for YEARS and it was the best computer I've ever had. Took a hell of a beating and crossed the country with me many times. That's why I "upgraded" within the same family. If it wasn't for the 2MB video limit, I'd still be running on it. Thanks, Krupo...unbelievably sweet of you to offer it.

Ya, sorry for the hijack, SG. But now you'll have so much to read when you come back here!

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