You won't have Ol' Dag to kick around anymore

I'm going back to work. Kicking and screaming, but I'm going. On Monday I hop on a jet for a contract to work with the national telecom provider here in Oz, Telstra. I haven't really worked for about 2 years. We sold the house, went around the world, and started VideoSift, but looking at the old bank account, I think this is the end of an era.

I'll still be around in the Australian evenings, but for the rest of the time, I put you all in the good hands of James, Lucky and of course the Gold Stars who pretty much run the Sift.

For the record, VideoSift is still growing heaps on a month to month basis, and there are lots of new goodies in the works.
dag says...

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Thanks all - I'm a bit sad about it, but I'm happy to know that the sift is being run so well by you all.

I may be a bit biased, but I'm pretty sure this is the best community on the net, bar none. Group hug.

lucky760 says...

Did you really go around the world??? Can you share a brief rundown of the places you visited? That's awesome. Almost even worth having to go back to work for. Something we've been hoping/pseudo-planning to do some day.

It was a good two years while it lasted though, I'm sure. All the best to you and yours.

Krupo says...

While the demands of the bank account can't be overlooked, we'll nevertheless miss you in whatever capacity we're losing you - say that you'll still be around in *some* capacity - right dag?

Sifters never go away, they just show up with less frequency!

Congrats and thanks for everything you deserve praise and gratitude for, and good luck in whatever you find yourself doing next!

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