What makes you vote up or down for a video?

On this site, we have the ability to vote any video up or down, but the criteria for doing so are totally undefined. It seems like everybody establishes their own criteria--I’d like to see a discussion what these are.

For example:
* What types of content make you want to vote up or down?
* When you do vote, are you conscious of the fact that that other users will see that YOU voted for a given video?
* Does the presence of certain users in the “voted for” or “voted against” list make you more or less likely to vote for a given video?
* Other thoughts?

I suppose this topic has come up before. If anybody has relevant links to previous discussions, I'd love to see them.

(Please note that responses to this topic may be used in a term paper I am writing about "voting community" sites as a new type of medium for communication and self-expression. I will discuss the basic genre, but will be focusing on VideSift because it is my favorite. See my profile text for more.)
CaptainPlanet420 says...

I am proud to say that I vote on videos solely for their content, which is more than I can say for some users around here. Downvoting because of spite has no place here, and every person should fully evaluate the video for its content before voting either way.

alien_concept says...

I vote something up if I like it. I leave it alone completely or if compelled will leave a comment on a vid if I dislike it or it does nothing for me. On occasion, if a video pisses me off, or I absolutely detest them in the first place (i'm talking Avril Lavigne specifically here then it gets a downvote. I never upvote a video for anything other than I like it or at the very least know I will like it. I wish everyone did the same, especially with my vids, i'd rather they sat in my queue until someone comes along who genuinely appreciates it, at least I can say i've got dibs on it and it's through because it's good enough.

Stingray says...

I have the same voting mentality as alien_concept. If I like/love a video (as in, it generates some type of emotional response with me), then I will upvote it. If I find it boring, not relevant, or otherwise doesn't do anything for me, I leave it where I left it without a vote.

However, if I see a video that violates sift guidelines, is offensive to me or in just poor taste, I will find myself down voting it. It's a rare occasion I find myself down voting though.

Ornthoron says...

I have to agree with all of the above. If I find something boring, I leave it alone and forget it. I rarely downvote; the only occasions must be when something is in bad taste, or is obviously a plug for some special interest that I'd rather not see getting more attention. I have to stress that this is not related to whether I agree with viewpoints expressed by the video or not. I appreciate a good discussion. The videos I downvote are things like advertisements for alternative medicine, which I believe do much more harm than good, or baseless conspiracy theories.

MINK says...

there is absolutely no system. many people vote on lol factor. many people only watch short videos. many people try to feel all superior by upvoting their pet causes and rambling on about ayn rand. the worst 10 percent of totally unwatchable videos are filtered out, but everything else is here. the combination of each of our strategies results in the colour brown. that's the same colour as shit.

chtierna says...

I upvote far too much I think, on a boring workday a lot of videos suddenly seem good enough to deserve an upvote. Same when Im drunk. Downvotes pretty much all go to bad taste videos.

I guess I agree with MINK, but I still think this site is a lot better than youtube. People here generally seem to think before they comment, and the OMGGAYZLOLZOR`s are blissfully absent. Id rather sift the sift to find what I like than sift the endless stinking sewers that are youtube & friends.

gwiz665 says...

Gut feeling, almost every time.

I rarely downvote anything below 10 votes (which sort of defeats the purpose, I know, but I can't bring myself to crush little sifters dreams) and I usually watch like 1-2 minutes of a long video and then decides on a vote, or abstain from voting.

If something is just "meh" to me, it gets neither vote.

spoco2 says...

I'm in the camp of the rarely downvoters.

I upvote whenever I really like a video, or it entertains me enough through it.

I don't vote at all if I find it just 'meh' or not worthy of praise.

I downvote if I find it hateful, spiteful, needlessly violent or the like. ie. Videos I don't think anyone should be watching.

LittleRed says...

I upvote a video if it's humerous or educational, with the very few and far between vote on a music video I enjoy. I generally downvote videos I think are dumb, sexist, have gratuitous boob, or are overall unenjoyable.

Yes, I do realize my vote will be seen by everyone else. It's really not a factor or a hinderance in my decision-making, because I'm fairly certain the people who have been here for over six months know my stance on the "big" issues that would prompt me to downvote a video.

The only user that has any effect on my vote is my boyfriend, and only if he voted for something that I thought was mildly inappropriate. Then if I see he voted for it, it generally makes me mad enough to push me over the edge and downvote - like that stupid "tongue tricks" video last week.

With some videos, like that ^ one, the comments also have an effect on a downvote.

Farhad2000 says...

I rarely upvote or downvote comments.

I sometimes upvote things because I know of them. I think I stopped watching alot of videos a long time ago.

Most of the content is usually meh for me.

I hate legacy0100.

rougy says...

I try to watch my downvoting, but it is usually against conservative propaganda.

If I watch a movie, I'll usually upvote it.

If I leave a comment, I'll almost always upvote it.

I am not above pity votes, and many times I'll vote when there are nine already cast, so as to push it over to the next phase.

I need to start contributing here more, but so many of the things I feel like posting are already posted, so I don't try so hard any more.

nibiyabi says...

I don't consider who posted the video and I don't consider how many votes it already has. If I like it, I vote it up, if I don't think it belongs on the Sift or if I at least am grossly repulsed by it (only videos of actual child abuse have been able to elicit this response from me thus far), I'll downvote. Anything in between is a no-vote.

Doc_M says...

I typically Downvote anything that is intentionally offensive or adversarial. I also absolutely can't stand conspiracy BS. I upvote things I find compelling, entertaining, or interesting. I think of playlists as far more powerful than votes. I do recognize when certain people vote one way or another on a certain issue, but it really doesn't effect anything. Also, being one of the three conservatives on this site, I tend to upvote anything remotely so. The same goes for religion.

I like comment voting, but it can tend to be sort of mob-rule now and then. Ironically I often read more of the negative voted comments than others. I just want to know what was so offensive that someone was led to hit the down button.

I don't automatically DV any certain video, but I'll admit I WANT to (ahem Pat Condell). I just don't think it's very honest.

spoco2 says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Downvotes on my comment, including from our supposed "conservative." Good to know everyone here rejects thoughtful reason, yet attempts to refute creationism and faith with it.

It's because you always use combative and holier than thou language.

"I am proud to say that I vote on videos solely for their content, which is more than I can say for some users around here. "

So, you firstly say you're proud of yourself, which is nice and self aggrandizing. Then you say the always wonderful 'which is more than I can say...' bit. Get over yourself. You have downvoted heaps of my comments for no reason other than spite, so don't start getting high and mighty about your pure voting means on videos.

The reason you get your downvotes is because no one likes your tone. Stop being such a rude, combative pain in the arse and you'll see less downvoting.

Also bitching about a comment downvote will just get you more downvotes.. actually I'm going to do so now.

CaptainPlanet420 says...

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Downvotes on my comment, including from our supposed "conservative." Good to know everyone here rejects thoughtful reason, yet attempts to refute creationism and faith with it.

It's because you always use combative and holier than thou language.

"I am proud to say that I vote on videos solely for their content, which is more than I can say for some users around here. "

So, you firstly say you're proud of yourself, which is nice and self aggrandizing. Then you say the always wonderful 'which is more than I can say...' bit. Get over yourself. You have downvoted heaps of my comments for no reason other than spite, so don't start getting high and mighty about your pure voting means on videos.
The reason you get your downvotes is because no one likes your tone. Stop being such a rude, combative pain in the arse and you'll see less downvoting.
Also bitching about a comment downvote will just get you more downvotes.. actually I'm going to do so now.

As of this post, 5 people agreed with my initial comment, only 4 agreed with you. Like I say, don't mean to exaggerate, but more people agree with my philosophy than yours. The internet isn't a good indicator of tone, you should know that by now. No reason to unfairly accuse people of things they aren't even doing. And show me one comment of yours I downvoted purely out of spite. Pretty much impossible since you can't judge intent. Thanks.

Eklek says...

With my profile I publicly collect links to videos that I like in some respects (more than 50% interesting) or sometimes (rarely) as a whole..in general I promote diversity in quality content.

I downvote videos that are +/- below 30% interesting - often this means sloppy/badly produced videos in form and/or content (or undeliberate incongruence between form and content)..I may upvote a video of Avril Lavigne for the visual aspect instead of the music or her popularity etc..

30-50% interesting videos get no vote. I think other members/lurkers may find them potentially interesting.

These percentages are rough and change over time as my frame of reference increases. Sometimes just one obscure aspect really appeals that may be relatively small in comparison with the whole clip: this may cause me to upvote the clip..

I have problems with bad titles of posts and advertising (URLs, leaders etc.) in the video, which sometimes causes me to downvote the video - no matter the content.

I positively discriminate (upvote) vintage (older than 1970s) clips and clips from video cultures that are less represented on the web - non-western cities/countries/regions - and subcultures.

I use all possible ways to navigate the content here, that's one of the reasons I like VS so much! (Still waiting for a neighbour system (cf. last.fm) and channel search though, but I digress)..other members may influence my voting as I respect the voting behaviour of some VS members..but in the end "I am the decider";)

I sometimes clarify my up-/downvotes in the comments, depends mostly on the available amount of time and clarity of my mind.

(Also see my profile text on my voting philosophy.)

Grimm says...

If it's something I like enough that I came here to submit it and it is here already. Or if it is good enough that I will email it to at least one person I know then I up vote it.

If I don't like it or it's just meh I leave it alone. I am against the down vote system in the way it is setup because my down vote nullifies your up vote. Just because I don't like a video doesn't make it right to nullify the vote of a person who does like the video.

I think this is also why many people shy away from the down vote and as a result it's only used by people who don't care.

A better and more fair system would be to show the down votes and up votes as seperate totals.

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