We are Videosift...

...not facebook, not twitter, not any of the other social networking sites. There is a strong community here that at least from my perspective is a great example of diversity and cohesion. But there doesn't need to be a mess of links to every social networking site people could possibly use. Believe me I understand that it brings more traffic to the site to have the functionality of people tweeting links to siftworthy videos and reminding people to use this feature helps further that cause. However I feel the more you coat your space in links to facebook/twitter and the like is the more you lose your own identity. You're putting stickers for other products all over your own artwork. It takes away from the aesthetics of your site and from the ability of your community to maintain their own cultural independence.

Basically enough is enough

Oh and as for the green there. I get it, you run a T-shirt site to help fund your costs. Perhaps target the shirts using tags rather than cluttering the page with 3 generic adverts. It just ads(yup) to the mess.
Deano says...

I don't think it's too bad. Videosift has just evolved to use the social web. Those are things that people use all the time and pretty much expect to see. And if it helps shares great videos which is part of the site's raison d'etre then we should accept it.

Maybe this is more about the current design - I'm sure the visual clutter could be worked on. I know the Buzz link could go - that doesn't seem to be one of Google's triumphs.

gwiz665 says...

I would like to see some of those smaller too - I loathe the popdownbar below the menu. It trolls me.

I would add though, that it stands out much more on the black/night theme - in the white/day theme it's more diffuse and doesn't feel nearly as intrusive. On the black it's like having your eyeballs raped.

Hybrid says...

This is just a combination of issues IMO:

1. The sift needs the social networking links to attract people to the site via tweets, likes etc.
2. VideoSift, in terms of design, was not (I'm assuming not anyway ) designed in a way that anticipated all the current social networking sites people belong to... and certainly you couldn't have predicted Facebook wanting a "like" button on every web page on the planet for example.
3. The adverts, well, they are essential, but you're right that the t-shirts could be better targeted somehow.

Myself, I don't really find any of this clutter "annoying" as such, but as I do website design in my spare time I do see the issues here and the lack of consistency/cleanliness. But like I say, I think a lot of these up and coming features have been shoe-horned into the existing design. It's a necessary evil to put these social networking features into the site somehow. However, all I believe needs to happen is that the next redesign of the Sift bears in mind that social networks come and go, so make it something that can be altered quickly. Alternatively, they could all be hidden at first and placed behind a pop-up/drop-down menu that appears from a single "Share this" button on each video etc. Or you can simply make them unobtrusive i.e. notice the 5 "social" icons at the top and bottom of each BBC News story - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-11151777.

There's loads of options here anyway.

... related side note, I've always thought doing a Sift redesign would make an excellent little project for working on at home. There's so many little features and things that make up the Sift, yet ultimately the function is simple - share and talk about videos. Hmmm... *ponders*

Tymbrwulf says...

>> ^gwiz665:

I would like to see some of those smaller too - I loathe the popdownbar below the menu. It trolls me.
I would add though, that it stands out much more on the black/night theme - in the white/day theme it's more diffuse and doesn't feel nearly as intrusive. On the black it's like having your eyeballs raped.

Adblock Plus Element Hiding Helper has helped me never see that goddamn bar again.

On a lighter note, I refuse to link my social networking profile to anything in the internet. That profile is mine to keep private as I wish, but I appreciate all the offers, websites of the world!

gwiz665 says...

I'll be your friend, @Tymbrwulf. .

I don't want to have to install all sorts a shite to get rid of the bar; then I might as well set a custom css and redesign the whole fucker while I'm at it. I want the designers to realize the error of their ways and change it for us all. It could be done more elegantly, like with a popin bar from the side or something like that - outside the sift pages (if you have fixed width).

campionidelmondo says...

>> ^Duffman:

I get it, you run a T-shirt site to help fund your costs.

I think you mean "drain the funds". I don't want to be a negative nelly, but I shudder at the thought of the lost revenue due to TeeVirus taking up valuable adspace. To the drive-by users it's all the same anyways, but real ads might actually make some money.

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