Watching 'Comedy Central' videos outside of the US

Hello fellow sifters. I'm not sure if I'm late to the party on this; but there is a way to view episodes / clips of 'The daily show with Jon Stewart', 'The Colbert report' and 'South Park', outside of the US; using Google chrome.

First install a add-on called "ModHeader", to be downloaded here.

A blue icon will appear after installation, in the top right corner of the browser. Click on it and enter the following information, as displayed in the picture: (X-Forwarded-For,,

Click "Add header" and you’re done. No need to restart browser.

ant says...

What about other non-USA countries' videos like Australia, United Kingdom (UK), etc.? I tried a few free proxies, but they didn't work well.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

HideMyAss works for all of those, with different servers in each country, but its subscription

ant said:

What about other non-USA countries' videos like Australia, United Kingdom (UK), etc.? I tried a few free proxies, but they didn't work well.

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