Wacky Things Goin' On

I didn't want to whine about it before because I assumed there was a reason and it would soon be fixed, but there is messed up happenings in SiftWorld. I thought it was confined to the unsifted videos, but the top 15 does not seem right either. I identified several videos published less that 4 days ago with more than enough votes to be in the top 15 -- which are not. Is this an intentional change? I'm guessing it is going by queued date and not published date.
rougy says...

I hate to bring this up, but I've noticed erratic sorting of links while I'm paging through the Sifted or Unsifted departments, i.e. I'll see the same link to the same video a few times, once on page 1, then on page 3, then on page 4, etc.

lucky760 says...

Not a bug (nor "buggy junk"). The top 15 was intentionally selecting based on queue date. Since it appears everyone thinks it would be more correct to select by publish date, I've made that adjustment.

Is anyone else experiencing the "erratic sorting" rougy mentioned? I can't seem to reproduce it. Do you have any examples, rougy? Is it possible that a little time has passed for you between page loads and the videos just naturally drifted over to other pages?

twiddles says...

Thanks Lucky. The other thing I've noticed is that, unless you are deliberately obscuring things, the unsifted does not seem to be counting views properly anymore. Lots of videos with more votes than unique views and when initially submitting videos the unique count is at zero until someone other than submitter views the video.

lucky760 says...

This was brought to my attention by mink and it's unfortunately a very strange problem that will require a bit of investigation and observation of vote/view activity. I've really no idea how to correct this at the moment because it's an extremely simple implementation and a view really should be added when a vote occurs; there's no reason for it to not. Please try to bear with us until it can be corrected. Thanks.

twiddles says...

Okay thanks I figured you were already looking at it. If it helps, the problem appeared on Monday I think when in the middle of the day (EST) I noticed a lot of memory/database error screens and then it seemd like all or most of the videos in the queue lost all their unique views. Maybe you haven't been feeding sifty enough and he is eating himself

rougy says...

"Is anyone else experiencing the "erratic sorting" rougy mentioned? I can't seem to reproduce it. Do you have any examples, rougy?"

Actually, it happend just now.

The "9/11 Mime" was link #2 on Page Six, and a few minutes later (no more than ten) it was the last link on Page Nine.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

As Jonny mentioned, I think the erratic sorting comes from spending some time on page 1 of the queue and then by the time you move on to page 2, the ranks have shifted, therefore some of the ones that were on page 1 are now on page 2. So not really a bug, if that's the case.

rougy says...

Thanks, Dag.

It's no biggie, I just don't remember it doing that on VS2 and I've been seeing it here, it seems at least, quite a bit.

Just wanted to let you folks know.


Oh! Just discovered the sort dropdown was on "Best Votes-to-Views Ratio". Didn't notice that before.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

You probably notice it more on this version becasue the default sort order "Best votes to view" is more dynamic and could reorder pages more after just a few minutes.

2.5 was defaulted to chronological.

lucky760 says...

Just thought I'd point out that the reason we were listing the top 15 by queued date rather than published date is that it keeps the listing much more dynamic. With the change to listing by published date, the top 15 is much less likely to be different except every several days (like maybe a fully new listing once a week), which keeps it stale and uninteresting to the frequent visitor.

Does everyone agree that this is really the best functionality? It's definitely nice to have a video of your own listed longer, but it might not be most desireable in the grand scheme of things.

jonny says...

The top 15 was intentionally selecting based on queue date.

I had no idea that's how it was before. I see your point about the top 15 being fresher the old way. I'm not sure which is better. One thing, though, is that having the printed date switch from 'queued on' to 'published on' seems to cause a bit of confusion (it messed me up recently looking at a dupe). Do we need the published date at all? Is it relevant? I'm sure there must have been some reason that I haven't been able figure out.

twiddles says...

Would that be original queue date or by latest re-queued date?

I am very hesitant to agree with you on this. Some good videos sometimes don't get published until they reach the 15 expiring soon and it puts them at a disadvantage to videos that get published within a few hours. Of course if the listing has been by queued date all along and no one complained, then I guess I have nothing to complain about either.

lucky760 says...

Would that be original queue date or by latest re-queued date?

When a video is *requeued the queue date is overwritten with the current date/time, with the previous queue date only accessible in SiftBot's comment about the requeue (or *save).

Some good videos sometimes don't get published until they reach the 15 expiring soon and it puts them at a disadvantage to videos that get published within a few hours.

I guess one could argue that that's part of what makes a video worthy of a longer stay in the top 15 sidebar, that it was published very quickly after being submitted.

jonny says...

I know you're working on it, but things are really going crazy with the unique view counting now. I assume to make it work, you must be maintaining a list of who has viewed each post while it's in the queue. Currently there seems to be some function that removes members from that list while a post is in the queue. It's like some kind of weird db corruption. This is not just for saved vids, but requeued as well. I can't tell yet if there are any posts still on their 'first pass' for which this is happening - it seems like there were, but I can't say for certain. I've been trying to imagine scenarios in which a user could get removed from the list, and the only thing I can come up with is user A opens a thumbnail, but doesn't play the vid (kind of a "half-load"). Then when it's closed, the system wants to remove user A, but just takes the last one off the list, even if user A was never added. Just a shot in the dark since I have no idea how your code works. If there are any specific debug tests you'd like to have run or anything else we can do to help track it down, just say the word.

Side note about saved vids -- Since it's probably silly to retain the unique view list for posts discarded out of the queue, how about initializing that list for a saved vid with the list of those members who have voted on it. This would maintain the maximum ratio of 1.0 and keep posts from being effectively stickied at the front of the queue when they are saved.

twiddles says...

I guess one could argue that that's part of what makes a video worthy of a longer stay in the top 15 sidebar, that it was published very quickly after being submitted.

One could, or one could argue that it might have just been posted at a more opportune time. Hopefully the new queue is helping to alleviate that concern.

I would like to make a suggestion that could compromise between freshness and 'fairness'. How about instead of top 15 recent if there were two lists: top 10 of the day (24 hour period) and top 10 of the week (5 or 7 day period)?

twiddles says...

It's happened again... on a monday... again. Bunch of errors popping up in the middle of the day and now the unsifted videos have lost their unique view counts.

jonny says...

yep - lots of db out of memory errors this morning. Oddly, even though the # of unique views has been reset, the votes/views ratio was maintained - at least until a vid was viewed or voted on. Is monday morning when code updates are applied to the live site, or is it simply the greater traffic load that always comes on monday?

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