View Counting Bug in Sift Talk

When I'm in a permalink page for a Sift Talk and I either reload the page or click the title (self-link to the same page), the views count goes up sometimes in ones, as it perhaps should, but sometimes in twos and threes. I didn't figure out a pattern. I did notice that the one Vote message I looked at always went up by ones and the others went up by twos or threes.


Edit: and sometimes fours.
eric3579 says...

If i understand you correctly, every time you refresh this page views may jump at different rates. One through four views per refresh? If so just know that views are internet wide. All people members and mostly non members that stumble across this post. From what i can tell on a quick check the average views of non members to members on videos is seven to one(im estimating from a small sample). so if a video says 70 views may be only 10 sifters that have seen it. Not sure if this type thing is what you are referring to.

also as a side note (full disclosure) i have a buzz (fancy tequila), so I may not be making sense


messenger says...

I thought of that. I noticed the count going up 3-4 at a time each refresh. So I waited 10 seconds and it went up 3-4 again, rather than 10-15, which I might have expected from waiting so long.

And this was a bunch of random SiftTALK posts, not videos, so the chances of non-members flipping through those faster than I could hit refresh is highly unlikely.

eric3579 said:

If i understand you correctly, every time you refresh this page views may jump at different rates. One through four views per refresh? If so just know that views are internet wide. All people members and mostly non members that stumble across this post. From what i can tell on a quick check the average views of non members to members on videos is seven to one(im estimating from a small sample). so if a video says 70 views may be only 10 sifters that have seen it. Not sure if this type thing is what you are referring to.

also as a side note (full disclosure) i have a buzz (fancy tequila), so I may not be making sense


eric3579 says...

i don't think its from anyone flipping through. More likely from a Google search. Although maybe i have no clue how it all works.

Yep seems i had no idea

messenger said:

I thought of that. I noticed the count going up 3-4 at a time each refresh. So I waited 10 seconds and it went up 3-4 again, rather than 10-15, which I might have expected from waiting so long.

And this was a bunch of random SiftTALK posts, not videos, so the chances of non-members flipping through those faster than I could hit refresh is highly unlikely.

siftbot says...

Awarding messenger with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by lucky760.

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