VideoSift Fall Charter Membership Drive is On!

I still have a large stack of one-of-a-kind collectible VideoSift t-shirts - so we thought we would make them a part of a Charter membership drive. First about the t-shirts. As you might know, we had a couple hundred made about a year ago - the vendor that made them and was going to sell them for us, later told us that we couldn't sell them because they infringe on YouTube's copyright. So, they sent them all to me in Australia in a big box. Here they are spread out on the kitchen table:

We gave away some to top Sifters at the time but I've got about 30 left.

Now, while supplies last- we'd like to give a t-shirt to any Sifters who buy a 150 day Charter membership subscription. There is one small catch ... we're out of large size (doh!) But the XL fits a large frame OK.

Beyond the t-shirt, there are other benefits of being a VideoSift Charter Member:
  • Absolutely no ads

  • Personal Blog

  • Six (6) concurrent submission slots in the unsifted queue

  • Two (2) Power Points per recharge period

  • Personal subdomain for your member profile, e.g.,

  • Personalized colorizing for your username text and comment background

  • Fully customizable CSS styling for your member profile

  • Good feeling that you are contributing to keeping the best community on the Internet healthy

  • A super secret new ability or two once v3.3 is unveiled

Use the button below to subscribe with Paypal. After you subscribe, please drop me a note in my profile with your address and size preference. If you're already a Charter member and you'd like to buy a charter membership for someone else and get the shirt yourself - contact me to help set that up. Of course, there's no obligation to continue your subscription after the first payment and blah di-blah-di blah. Shipping is free to anywhere on Earth.

150 Day Membership$50.00

Update 15 November 08: The fall Charter drive has finished. Thanks for participating.
13475 says...

XXXL-2 please

Choggie Kendall
23326 Hegar Rd.
Hockley, TX 77447
All Calls Forwarded to God

unless the one yer throwin' starts at is a large, then he said to tell me, to tell you, no hard feelings, he'll take all the xx smalls, you gots left, for all his lady friends....(cause all the gals hang with him, shop in petite and juniors here, and there, if you will.....otherwise make up reasons again why choggie don't get the one you said he could have......Way back when.....Amen

Oh....and, perhaps you should ban that motherfucker for gross violations of logging on on his new cuttlefish-snakeplissken,MyArmy, and gorgler......Make it stop, he's ruining the sift.........

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