VideoSift Blogs

Lucky has been hacking away at VaroCMS and has just added VideoSift Blogs as a charter member feature.

Blogs are available via the last tab on the right up top ^.

The nice thing is, that you can submit multiple videos, text and pictures together - which is something I've been hankering for in VideoSift.

Please post some content so we can give this feature a good testing.
dotdude says...

Thanks, Lucky!

When I tried to click on the word "comment" under dag's blog, it got hung up. The "Please Wait" just kept chugging along endlessly. Clicking on the blog title worked fine, though.

maatc says...

Is it possible to get a link to the members blog in their profile?
Or should one just put that into the Bio?

Edit: Hey wait! I just found it down by the member stats... Sorry!

lucky760 says...

Yeah, it looks like there's a little buggery at work with the Ajax works. I'll try to have it corrected it today.

That link in the profile stats is pretty obscure, so we will probably add another one in the main profile area, like next to your avatar.

A new sidebar will be added to the main blog tab page as well. Still not sure what it will contain, but maybe top 15 member blogs based on most blog entries or blog posts being viewed right now?

Deano says...

A couple of things. Can bloggers personalise it a bit with their own blog title? And should there be an exhortation to upgrade to Charter for the rest of us?

Lucky I think the sidebar should list the most recent entries which will encourage more to blog. I would avoid most popular for now at least as that can be contentious.

lucky760 says...

>>Can bloggers personalise it a bit with their own blog title?

Good idea. We'll think about trying to add that before too long.

>>And should there be an exhortation to upgrade to Charter for the rest of us?

Yes. Aside from the fact that we want to offer more to those who "sponsor" the site, any content is allowed in Sift Blogs, so it helps to insure no malicious content (e.g., virus-causing code, spam, etc.) will be posted. (If it is, the author's account will immediately be banned and all blog content will disappear.)

>>I think the sidebar should list the most recent entries which will encourage more to blog.

But that's the actual content of the page. IOW, the body lists the newest entries. It would look a little odd to have them listed beside each other on the same page.

MarineGunrock says...

Is the interface going to change at all? I was thinking that something like browsing users, and then viewing their different blogs would be a whole lot better then a bunch or random blogs all over the page. Plus, it might give us that "search for user" feature that would be nice!

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