Unsifted, default layout... Do you have a preference?

I prefer to see the Unsifted list as it was on the old 2.5 sift with the "newest queue date".

Currently, each time I go to the unsifted page I have to use the drop down menu and resort with newest to the top.

2 things:

1. I would rather this be the default for everyone, I think that the old layout really gave quality videos a chance. With the current default going to the "best-vote-to-view-ratio" I worry that people are not digging in deeper.

2. If the current default is the only way to go, can we have a way in our profile to set how we want the sort to happen when ever we go to the unsifted page.
twiddles says...

I rely on my ability to perform logical analysis for my work, but I find the best-vote-to-view-ratio and the worst-vote-to-view-ratio very mysterious. A brand new video less than 9 hours old with 6 votes on three views gets buried near the back of the queue? I can only assume there are other unknown factors taken into account and pray to the sift gods that my video gets noticed.

drattus says...

One of my vids got stuck in the back several days ago with 7 votes and 8 views but once it got the ninth view it jumped back to where it belonged. For now that might be a way to make sure nobody gets stuck, now and then check the back of the lists and toss one a vote or view to unstick it.

I look at both ways but end up using the newest date most of the time. Doesn't matter what it defaults to though, it's easy enough to switch. I like having the options though. Once we get the kinks worked out it should be pretty cool.

jonny says...

Were the best votes-to-views ratio option doing what it said, I think you would get exactly what you want, youdiejoe. It's supposed to count only unique views, i.e., repeat views by a user aren't supposed to count. The very newest vids would be on the front page because they would have so few views. Overall, it should tend to provide every submission with roughly the same number of front page loads.

JonaHansen says...

I agree. Could be made the default for everyone, or in profile. Or how about
retaining the last option selected by the member so it only needs to be
done once, but can be changed easily?

Fletch says...

I HATE the new default. Would much prefer it be newest first. The setting isn't retained throughout a session, either. Would be nice to be able to set it once and for all in my profile.

swampgirl says...

I didn't even know the default was changed at first after launch. The first post 3.0 sift I posted I thought was lost somewhere until I noticed the change.

Yes, it's safe to say when folks go to the queue, they want to see what's new. We're creatures of habit. Everytime I go to the unsifted, I want to see what's newest first.

Newest should be the default.... my 2 cents

arvana says...

I actually do like the default -- it helps the really great videos jump out of the queue in no time.

BUT I would really love it if the settings could be cookied so that people who choose to change them can keep them, and not have to reset them each time they visit the queue.

Zifnab says...

I'm not a big fan the new default as it currently stands.

When I look at the current list the first Video has 9 Votes on 46 Views which to me would give it a votes to views ratio of 0.196 (9/46). The fourth video has 7 Votes on 24 Views for a votes to views ratio of 0.292 and then further down there is a video with 6 votes on 11 views for a ratio of 0.545.

If I sort by most votes I then see a bunch of other vids with 9 votes, with what I would consider better votes-to-views ratios, that I didn't even see in the best votes-to-views ratio view (which I find even more confusing).

It looks like time in the queue and total votes play a role in the calculation somehow as all the 9 vote vids are first, then 8, then 7, and so on. Then in those sub-groups it sorts them with the videos that have been in the queue for the shortest time at the top.

In my opinon, if we are going to use the Votes-to-views ratio sort it should be just that, votes-to-views. Time in the queue should not play a part. That would mean new sifts with 1 vote and 1 view would normally be at the top and then fall down as people watched them and did not vote, or stay near the top if they watched and voted.

If I want to see the vids that have the most votes I'll use most votes sort option. As it stands now I'd rather go back to the old default. It would be very nice if there was an option either via a cookie or in a persons profile that could be used to set a personal default sort.

Well that's my $0.02 take it for what it's worth

youdiejoe says...

Lucky has addressed point #2 with a "memory of your last selection" in effect for when you visit the Unsifted page. Thanks lucky!

Now back to point #1...so far the post here have been towards the old way as default, any one else what to throw in there .02 worth?

reed says...

What is the current opinion of the VS admins about the default Unsifted sort order?

The problem with the "best votes to views ratio" is that it becomes self reinforcing. The more its voted on, the more it stays at the top of Unsifted, and so the more it gets voted on. It's not really an objective filtering.

On the other hand, I would like to see similar sorting options for the Sifted videos. Best votes to views might be a good choice there, since then the first page really does reflect the best videos on VS.

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