raven says...

wankers... they do not know of that which they speak! We got so much wit over here we could export it as a commodity... and choggie, lets not forget choggie, I'll bet POETV has no choggie-equivalent! In fact, I think we should send chogs over to TOM to give them a taste of what they're missing!

looris says...


omg with that HORRIBLE interface, and DUMB star-based voting system?

the author of that article really needs to be brainwashed and sold to the third world in excange for some bananas.

karaidl says...

I took a look, and I thought the front page interface sucked royally. God, there's so much text on the front page that it looks like a freaking novel.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

What is it with Wired and their coverage of VideoSift? Here's a conspiracy theory for ya - Wired owns Reddit, a popular voting based social networking site. bum-bum-BUM! [Dramatic prairie dog turn]

choggie says...

guess i better look at the place before my two-cents....unlike what I do with most posts here, before watching them or ejaculating observations....looris that was some funny shit on that binary toy post...karaidl???? You got bitch-slapped in the tee-t's!!!!

swampgirl says...

yeah? Choggie and Deathcow can take their two best yappers steelcage deathmatch style and send them home crying for mommy.


MINK says...

damn, poetv was beaten with an ugly stick at the top of the ugly tree, and subsequently fell out of said ugly tree, hitting every branch on the way down.

and arrrrrggghhhh the google ads!! my eyes!!!! arrrgh!!! it's worse than LiveLeak, how can that be?

rickegee says...

John Brownlee has been angry at VS for quite some time. I smell a ban or discard pile victim.

Which 'head-up-your-ass geeks' here banned him or downvoted his Numa Numa? You unbelievable bastards.

PoeTv: If you are clever you don't have to be beautiful. Coding only a mother would love.

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