They May Have Canceled the Golden Globes...

choggie says...

US gold futures finish tad up after near $900/oz
Reuters - U.S. gold futures finishedslightly higher after slipping from a record high just shy of$900 an ounce early Wednesday as continued investor buying.....etc

Congrats ya freak a nature, I added yer first to the Primary Posts Playlist!!!

(he doesn't care, he ain't even around.....)

Laekroth says...

Thanks guys! It's great to be part of this community. I'm still looking for a good opportunity to make a mugshot of me in my videoSift T-shirt. Cheers Fjnbk, for the queue-support. Getting liquored up? I'm game, you'll see the true nature of this freak

<Yoda> With great power, comes great responsability. mmmmm, yeeesss. So, now where are those discard and ban buttons again?

I want to thank my parents for their support and my girlfriend for sticking up with me while I was browsing through the videosources in the middle of the night to find the best video's for the Sift. I wish to thank the members of the Acade... ehhh.. Community because without their votes I would never have reached Gold status. I thank my fat cat sticking up with the vacuum cleaner because without her, I would not not be in the position I'm in now.

Happy Sifting!

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