Thanks Krupo

Krupo reached 100 posts today. Krupo is our resident gadfly, holding a mirror up to VS in order to help us decide what we're all about.

Thanks for all of your contributions to the Sift Krupo, especially your comments. (all 1283 of them)

therealblankman says...

Krupo, my compatriot! That makes two Canadians in the 100 club. It seems like only yesterday that there were none! Well, actually, it was 3 days ago, but who's counting. Congrats, and keep 'em coming!

plastiquemonkey, I hope you'll be along soon...

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yeah, what't the deal with the Canadian dominance? It's disportional to the population. Also, only one Aussie on the list, and I barely count. Maybe we should have little flags next to our names. ;-)

Krupo says...

<sniff> Thanks everyone. I like the flags idea.

blankman: "but who's counting" L-O-freakin'-L.

swampgirl: I suppose this is #1284 then.

dag, James, thanks for everything: is a huge committment but you guys have made an awesome place!

gadfly. I like that.

Just keep the hemlock away. Please.

Now let us celebrate with Happy Fun Ball -

dotdude says...

Congratulations Krupo!

Folks always say “Don’t rock the boat.” Well, in response to the “gadfly” label, I quote two counter retorts:

“If you don’t want the boat rocked, don’t get in.”

“If the boat ain’t rockin’, it ain’t movin’.”

Krupo says...

I like those quotes; I'll remember those.

And thanks again for all the other instances of well wishing, in that you don't wish me any particular harm.

Automatic upvote (or 'promote if I already voted for it) for the video of your choice for the first one who identifies which TV show and line I just paraphrased...

Anliz says...

Upvote what you think needs to be on the front page and Ill be happy. I was in this for the challenge of my google skillz

I should note that I've never watched a Simpsons episode in its entirety

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