So What Does *Quality Do, exactly?
I know there's a bunch of threads about various topics regarding the 4.0 upgrade, but wanted to address the new *quality invocation for submitted videos.
What does it do, exactly? Why should I *quality a vid, rather than promoting it? Both cost a power point to use, so why choose one over the other?
We know that *promoting bumps a vid to the top of the listing page, where it stays for 2 hours (?) or so. More users will see that prominently placed video; it earns more votes and the invocation serves its purpose.
But what does the *quality invocation on a video do?
For example - I invoked *quality on this gem:
SiftBot told me that (s)he would "Boost this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing". What is the 'hot listing', and where's this boost?
The video remains 3/4 of the way down the 1st page of the Unsifted section, does not appear on either the 'Recent Sifts' or 'Top Sifts' page.
So....what am I spending my power point for?
What does it do, exactly? Why should I *quality a vid, rather than promoting it? Both cost a power point to use, so why choose one over the other?
We know that *promoting bumps a vid to the top of the listing page, where it stays for 2 hours (?) or so. More users will see that prominently placed video; it earns more votes and the invocation serves its purpose.
But what does the *quality invocation on a video do?
For example - I invoked *quality on this gem:
SiftBot told me that (s)he would "Boost this quality contribution up in the Hot Listing". What is the 'hot listing', and where's this boost?
The video remains 3/4 of the way down the 1st page of the Unsifted section, does not appear on either the 'Recent Sifts' or 'Top Sifts' page.
So....what am I spending my power point for?
I was wondering the same thing. It doesn't seem worth it now. You should be able to reach the top of hotness-listing even for a little while...
Yeah, it seems a bit bollocks, considering I hate the hotness listing and always have it on newness by default.
How many other people have hotness as their preference? Must be the majority I guess if this invocation is deemed to be worthwhile...
The Hot listing is the default view for the front page. It's what most of the 1.7 million people who visit the Sift each month see when they load
The big difference between promote and quality is that promote will hang an already-sifted video up on the front page for a little while, but quality could completely change the life of a video. A quality invocation has the power to boost even an unsifted video up to the front page near or possibly at the very top. If still early in it's career as a VideoSift video, it could garner enough attention not only to get published, but to reach the top 15, and also to stay on the front page for more than a full day (at least, that's about how long I've seen some super-popular new videos sit there in the past).
I have my pages set to sort by hotness, and see and saw no change in the placement of the vid. Will my 'quality' result in it sitting towards the bottom of page 1 of the Unsifted vids for a longer period? Will it be delayed from moving to the middle of page 2 by a few hours?
I just don't see the value least in this example (which, by the way, is still sitting at a paltry 7 votes).
Ohhhh, that's cool!
I think we're losing a bit of transparency in this. If the systems get too complex and indecipherable, especially when we have to "spend" something to do it, it probably won't work well.
Still, looks interesting.
I quality'ed three videos (1, 2, 3) and tried to find out the effect of the invocation. My observations: zip.
But since it's the only use for my power points anyway, I might as well shove 'em down this black hole. Might potentially do good or bad, but I don't notice either way.
Maybe it's only useful for fresh videos ... damned if I know.
@radx: That's actually true. As Dag mentioned in the 4.0 announcement, quality for videos is most effective for newer videos, and if you consider my previous comment above, it's definitely unsifted vids that get the most out of it. There was probably an affect of you invoking on those three videos, but it was probably just too short-lived for you to notice.
It's really tough to make very old videos work well with the quality boost, but I just made a change that should help it. Essentially, an older video with quality invoked on it will get a big boost and retain that boost for a very long time before it starts to fade back from whence it came. I also adjusted the boost for old videos to insure they have a better chance of making it to the front page.
Aye, now I see a reaction. Just gave the Hitch some love and bam!, #2 on the hotness list.
Yup - seems to have made a significant change to this one about doing stuff; top of the Hotness listing.
Will be interested to see how long it floats for....
Here is a very good example of how powerful quality is over promote:
It was 1 week old and sitting in the submitter's pqueue when maatc came along and invoked quality. It shot up on the front page, got published, and is, as I type this, sitting in the Top 15 sidebar in the #5 position.
Let's see that lame, old promote command try to pull off something like that!
to be fair, it got both a quality & a promote within a minute of each other....still, very impressive and an invocation I'll definitely use.
cheers Lucky!
Thanks all!
From my observations it works as follows.
A quality give the video enough hotness to make it go all the way to the front, no matter what's already there at the time. That means it gives a variable amount of "hotness" depending on how hot the other videos there are.
Let's say that the videos on the front page are like this
video 1 - hotness 30.5
video 2 - hotness 10.2
video 3 - hotness 8.9
myvideo - hotness 0.3
If I qualitied myvideo, then it would gain enough hotness to be at 30.6, which would make it #1. It would not hold there though, since hotness decays if now hotness isn't introduced. So if video 1 keeps climbing while mine goes back down, then myvideo would rest comfortably at #2 for potentially a long time. This gives it exposure and in turn more hotness.
Example 2
video 1 - hotness 10.5
video 2 - hotness 10.2
video 3 - hotness 9.9
myvideo - hotness 0.3
In example 2 myvideo would only gain enough hotness to be at 10.6, which means that the difference down to the #4 spot is smaller and my video potentially would decay down there faster than in example 1.
My point is that giving a quality when other videos are doing great, will help your video, but if it's a slow video day it will not help as much.
The promote is more simple, as it merely posts the video at the top for 3 flat hours (I think 3) and then plops it back to its natural hotness, which may have been increased in the time though.
This has been a gwiz665 lecture. For more information on gwiz665, visit
Also *quality *promote
Awarding SlipperyPete with one star point for this contribution to VideoSift - declared quality by gwiz665.
Promoting this Sift Talk post - promote requested by gwiz665.
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