Sift Clean Up
So I've been on a crusade lately of marking dead links on the sift and also noticing the published posts that have less then 10 votes. I was wondering if it would be prudent to have a recycle channel where the crap can go for re anlysis by the collective or back to the queue. As for dead links, (If only I had that coveted gold star!) I'd hope we could weed out some of the dead stuff or get it fixed. This seems to apply to a lot of old stuff, usually over 100 days or so.
Post some links that you found here and i will do what needs to be done.
we have been looking at reworking the dead system, i think letting bronze star and above members have dead powers is probably coming. We have also been talking about a dead queue, it is certainly becoming more of an issue as the site gets larger.
Well I'm glad to hear that your aware of it. It seems a shame to let some good videos go but with all the Colberts and Daily Shows being pulled from every single video hosting site it's left a signifigant body count on the sift. Gotta start digging graves sometime.
Thank god that the last two listed have decided to play the money game...the shits funny once, boring twice, and 3 times a clog on the server....good riddance!!!
Gold Star member michie has awarded gorgonheap one published post for this quality Sift Talk contribution.
So here are just a few of the links to vids that are dead. darksun I appreciate your willinges to help. If any other gold members are readig this please feel free to help clean out the sift. I would hope we could fix most of these but I realized that not all of them can be.
I've deaded the above
nice ..bring out your dead. probably got a few skeletons in my own closet
Here is round 2.
And a few more
There's no programmatic way to detect deadness? Has anyone tried? (Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a PHP developer!)
Siftbot polling for deadness would be ideal.. prevent bit rot by detecting it quickly. Of course I have no idea how to do this.
Well I don't know how James has the site setup or how Siftbot works. So I'm going to make up some crap about maybe Siftbot could run checks on URL links every so often to see if they are still valid. So if I stumbled upon something brilliant then kuddos to me. If your more confused after reading this... Then I have no clue what I just said.
those vids are * deaded now, except the mime one which seems to be undead. grrr... i hate that mime routine..
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