dag says...

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We've put a google search pre-populated with the search terms if no results are returned by the regular search. Doesn't Google return discarded videos? JD would know.

I found this one and fixed it up manually. Thanks Ant.

dotdude says...

>>Doesn't Google return discarded videos?>>

I’ve had a video blog since last December. All my vids are from Google Video. When I’ve looked for replacement vids, many of them are gone for good. A number of those were Japanese vids. However, I have been able replace a few that were uploaded recently.

Another item I will point out is that Google Video used to make people download software to upload videos. Now uploading is done directly through the site. With the change came a new agreement from Google. If memory serves, it gives Google more control over the videos that are uploaded. I was asked by Google Video to re-upload all my videos.

My old videos were still available on Google Video, but I had no control over them through the new interface. August 9th is when I re-uploaded. In September I finally was able to see my old videos included in the list of videos online. At that point I deleted the old ones.

Also, I’ve noticed that some recent video deletions merely lead you back to the Google Video main page instead of a message about the video not being available.

This may explain some of the video disappearances.


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