Problem with video thumbnail images

Hi all- we're having a small hiccup with the display of our video thumbnail preview images for newly posted videos. Lucky's on holiday - but don't worry - I'm um ... on it.

Anyone know how to open a terminal window?
geo321 says...

I noticed that. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it (I know most likely not) but I've noticed that in some video postings over the last couple of weeks people were unable to see the name of the people that posted comments as well as the page being offset to the right cutting off the type. Unfortunately I don't have a link to an example right now. Maybe someone can give one...if this is the the wrong thread for my comment I apologize and hope you keep your eye on the thumbnail.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks for the feedback. I think it's a problem this time with our CDN cache provider for images. I'm still looking into, but I think they've somehow disabled our upload ability- which is why new thumbnails aren'te getting stored.>> ^geo321:
I noticed that. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it (I know most likely not) but I've noticed that in some video postings over the last couple of weeks people were unable to see the name of the people that posted comments as well as the page being offset to the right cutting off the type. Unfortunately I don't have a link to an example right now. Maybe someone can give one...if this is the the wrong thread for my comment I apologize and hope you keep your eye on the thumbnail.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I just tried that, oh my god it's deleting everything. What have you done?????

No actually- everything is fine now for new posts- but we have some posts from the last 18 hours that may have broken thumbs. Sifty doesn't want to play * findthumb- so I'll try and find another way to fix them up. *unsticky.

>> ^KnivesOut:
Try this:
rm -rf
Works every time.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Glorious. *findthumb does appear to be working. Siftbot complains that it doesn't when you invoke it, but it works. It may take a little bit to update- but it does happen.

If you seen a broken thumb on your Sift travels, can you please give Siftbot a nudge with *findthumb to fix it up? Thanks.


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