Potential 3.x Feature, front page Sift Talk Posts

What would you all think of giving Gold Stars the ability to push Sift Talk posts to the front page of VideoSift either on submit, or by a *front invocation?

There are some amazing discussions that happen in ST, but they could use some more exposure. Some people don't visit ST at all.

karaidl says...

LOVE that idea. There are so many sifters out there that are completely unaware of their gold parties. And it would definitely come in handy when situations come up like if we get hacked.

dotdude says...

What about a vertical or horizontal scroll of some Sift Talk posts deemed worthy. The current standstill headline is a hit or miss in peaking interest. With several headlines scrolling there may be a better chance of folks visiting SiftTalk.

grspec says...

I was thinking along the lines of dotdudes idea, maybe have a list of siftalk posts ala the top 15 vids, cept not top sift talks, just new ones. Then when you visit the front page you could see your videos, the top 15 vids, and the latest siftalk post in summary fashion or just the titles.

Edit: you could still use your idea dag to push an important ST post to mingle in with the vids for more exposure.

lucky760 says...

when you visit the front page you could see your videos, the top 15 vids, and the latest siftalk post in summary fashion or just the titles.
This has already been added to v3.0 in a sidebar panel titled "Newest Sift Talk Posts" that displays the newest 5.

I hate to be the sole voice of dissent in this landslide of agreement that surrounds me, but to be honest, I vehemently disagree with the addition of such a feature. I've come across supposed "video" sites that have large bodies of text on the front page and as a new visitor, it really turns me off of such a site. I'm struck with a strong "What the hell is all this text here for? Why are they asking me to read? I want to watch videos!" feeling.

If talk posts are intermingled in with videos, there's nothing to stop the entire page from being littered or entirely filled with just talk posts, or when paging thru the front page to be forced to scroll past one after another.

Such a feature might be a little more than a novelty for all you hardcore Sifters, but for the billions of lurkers and softcore members that visit the site each month, it'd immediately be a serious annoyance, perhaps enough to drive them away but good. I can't see that there is enough of a benefit in favor of this feature.

If we are really desperate for people to visit Sift Talk more often, we can move the aforementioned "Newest Sift Talk Posts" panel up to the to of the front page sidebar, but I really feel flooding the front page listing with posts is a big step backwards for the Sift.

But that's just me. : )

dotdude says...

Encouraging folks to participate here in discussion is an important part of building a community. Adding on to the core group will make this site stronger.

"People support what they help create."

I'm not suggesting spamming the front page. I only proposed a suggestion to further discussion since I do feel strongly about increasing participation.

Turning to a fraternity rush pep talk here:

"We need to make people feel like they are at home."

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I was thinking also - that since we would have a few features now, that are time or quantity limited:


We could centralize these as a single point system "action points" with higher star levels getting a bigger "allowance" of action points.

gorgonheap says...

I'm going to agree with lucky, when people see the front page they want to see videos. I think people will discover SiftTalk but at their own leisure.

My brother is just about obsessed with the Sift as I am yet he doesn't want to bother with being an active member of the sift. I think it's a great idea but I think it kind of detracts from the sites purpose. It's like putting the conference room in the foyer. And as little as that analogy makes sense if your in the architecture field you'll understand.

I just really don't think sifttalks belong on the front page. I do however like the new talks listed on the side in VS3.

MINK says...

the low number of ST posts compared to video posts is what makes ST good. they just need more exposure?

or you could think backwards, and put any video with more than 10 comments automatically into sifttalk somehow... i was thinking along those lines making my "discuss" playlist.

overall, i don't see a problem with sift talk. i know you might want more people in there chattering, but... why?

honestly you have to keep asking "why?" and then checking if the new feature will actually have that effect. you say there are amazing discussion in sift talk, so........... why change it?

i don't think putting text posts in with videos is a good idea. it really annoys me when other sites do that.

summary: maybe the "lack of discussion" problem is that not enough people comment in video posts. The problem is not about sifttalk having only a small quantity of high quality threads. in fact, thats why i go to ST, because there is high quality (just get rid of the banned threads!)

i see video threads as the chat room (in fact, the whole site is just a forum with videos as a mandatory thread starter)
Sift Talk is more for Sift related matters than for chatting, no? It's like the committee room not the water cooler.

bighead says...

it took me 3 months to find sift talk 2 months was not singed up . the sift talk was a pleasant surprise. there is a lote on the sift i have not yet discovered no idea what going on with playlist and channels but seem kool. im not in a rush.

i agree comments are what make this work. thats why i have not been at throw away you tv for long time. i never made any comments there because they said you gota be bugger i mean a blooger i dont know what that is exactly .

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It certainly helps if you ar a blooger. I know I am. I would say that the people who are *against* putting ST posts on the front already use ST extensively. But I like your point about the committee room rather than the water cooler MINK - perhaps that's true.

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