Ponceleon's Identify the Movie Challenge
Okay, so when I was a kid growing up in Puerto Rico, I remember seeing this weird movie when I was relatively young. As best as I can remember, this movie seemed to be something from before the 80s, though it might be early 80s at the latest. More likely though, this was something from either the 60s or 70s which had just been put on TV and dubbed into Spanish.
I don't know if this was a US film or not and worse, I only remember one scene:
At the very end of the movie, a man and a woman are put into this giant machine. The interior of the machine may have had throw pillows in it. When the machine is turned on, all sorts of 60s/70s psychedelic special effects happen and they are fused into one hermaphrodite-like being that walks out of the chamber to some macabre sounding music...
For some reason that scene always stuck with me, but I have never been able to identify the movie, likely some bad, seldom referenced sci-fi thingy.
A'ight sifters, have at it. Remember that since this happened on PR tv, it may not be a US film... very possibly it was foreign.
I don't know if this was a US film or not and worse, I only remember one scene:
At the very end of the movie, a man and a woman are put into this giant machine. The interior of the machine may have had throw pillows in it. When the machine is turned on, all sorts of 60s/70s psychedelic special effects happen and they are fused into one hermaphrodite-like being that walks out of the chamber to some macabre sounding music...
For some reason that scene always stuck with me, but I have never been able to identify the movie, likely some bad, seldom referenced sci-fi thingy.
A'ight sifters, have at it. Remember that since this happened on PR tv, it may not be a US film... very possibly it was foreign.
I had a similar mysterious memory of a movie i'd seen when i was 4 or so that was WEIRD.

...turns out it was Barbarella
^ Hehe.... Barbarella would certainly mess you up as a kid...
Aside from the movie I'm referencing above, there were two others that I searched for years to find out what they were, they turned out to be "Quatermass and the Pit" and "The Mutations."
I still haven't been able to figure this one out though... I suspect it might not have been originally in English. Perhaps an Italian flick, but I'm just guessing...
Barbarella is what first came to my mind as well but I don't remember a scene like you're describing.
On the flip side, I would like to see NASA install Wall-to-Wall shag carpet in the space shuttle!
some of your description sounds like Altered States
Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)
Moving this to channels.
That's an incorrect guess, dag. Try again.
I'm interested now too
I thought I knew what it was but I was thinking of Star trek 1...
Not Altered States... I thought that was it a few years ago as well and when I saw it it wasn't...
It haunts me!!!
Not ST 1 either, but definitely good guesses... my feeling is that this movie pre-dates both of those... I really feel like it is either form the 60s or 70s...
How about "I was a Man"? Its from the late 60's
Alas I don't think it is that I was a Man... as far as I can tell from IMDB, that is about an actual hermaphrodite, whereas the movie I'm thinking of is more of a hokey fantastic story that ends with two characters being fused together...
>> ^ponceleon:

Alas I don't think it is that I was a Man...
Confirmed what we were all thinking.
I found this on google: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hermaphrodite
It lists many examples of hermaphrodites in media, though I didn't see anything that matched your description. The Greek myth does seem to have some similarities though. Maybe the film was an adaptation of this myth?
Perhaps hermaphrodite is the wrong word, and again, it only figures at the very end of the movie, so this is not necessarily a movie about a hermaphrodite.
The scene where the man and the woman are "combined" is somewhat sexual. I have vague recollections that they were kind of going at each other while the "chamber" was being flooded with psychedelic lights, maybe a smoke machine... stuff like that...
It was a porno and you've scrambled the memory, I conclude.
Alas it wasn't porn (though I think you are joking) as it was on broadcast TV, not cable.
Hmmmm, no one else? This has bugged me for close to 30 years...
Two years later and I'm still searching... any new sifters have a clue?
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