Please date vintage sifts?

Please, if you're going to take the time to find some great old clips, please put a date on them? Most of the time you can just do a quick Google and get a date if it's not provided. Sometimes you can see the Roman numerals at the bottom intro and get it. Just get one if possible?

Also, it's nice to have the decade in the tags as well. How can people find content from the era without these two useful bits of searchable info?

Part of the enjoyment of seeing vintage clips is knowing when they were made! So please...Give a HOOT and date the damn clips!!!! Harumph
InvaderSil says...

Makes sense. But I read this after I submitted a video! I'll go and add a date. Though, would it be possible to add a field on the submission form where you can add a date if you know it at the time? I think I have seen that suggestion some time back. I don't know what ever happened to it though, obviously it wasn't implemented.

bamdrew says...

ooookay. i'll see what i can do. i usually just toss in the date randomly in the tag, title or info, but i guess a system of dropping it in the tag would be best.

Eden says...

SG, do you prefer 80s or 80's? I usually add the apostrophe, but according to the tag cloud, 70's is more widely used than 70s, but 80s is more widely used than 80's.
I wonder if this actually makes any difference when searching...

swampgirl says...

I usually add the apostrophe too... is it better not to? You know it used to be that when I'd try to squeeze a decade in someone else's tags it wouldn't let me put one in.

Karaidl, you sound like one who still has a mom around

swampgirl says...

Are the words used in the lead comment that can be written under the sift during submission able to come up through search?

If the title takes up all your space, one could always put the year in the comment. The one that displays under the sift. In any case, the decade should be in the tags for the tag cloud.

60s is grammatically correct eh? Well it does take up one less space in valuable tag real estate Consensus will rule and I will retro fix all mine some sleepless night soon.

So is with or without an apostrophe? It would make the tag clouds neater. I want to live in grammar world

Eden says...

I dunno, it looks kinda wrong without the apostrophe.
However, I will conform if that is the consensus
Actually, I'll do what Swampy the Decade Queen says.

swampgirl says...

I understand why no one wants to go back and change their sifts. Damn I probably have 3x more vintage sifts to change than most...

We could just say yay or nay and start from now, just realize that your sifts may not come up in the tag cloud if the one w/ the apostrophe diminishes over time.

We can always edit the ones we come across. I watch everyone's vintages often

I'm the Decade Queen! Actually that sounds more like a nice way of saying I'm old

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