Obama and Huckabee slam dunk in Iowa, big margin

Obama 37.53; Edwards 29.88; Clinton 29.41
Huckabee 34; Romney 25; Thompson 14; McCain 13%; Paul 10%

Issue stance reference matrix:

Still general polling shows Giuliani v. Clinton in the end, but the polls haven't been right on these elections in 12 years.


[edit]: Dodd and Biden throw in the towel. Kucinich is saying "If I quit, go Obama."
my15minutes says...

Complacentandwillfullyignorantfuckistan, actually, but the citizens couldn't spell that, so they settled for your version.

in 2009, they will attempt to secede. President Obama will happily let them do so, becoming known as The Even Greater Emancipator.

Dumbfuckistan then builds a massive wall along their entire border. no one objects, on either side. they proceed to declare war on the nation of Islamospooky.
their capitol is the Creationist Museum, and Miss West Carolina is the Secretary of State.

joedirt says...

Dag, over 50% of GOP Iowa caucus attendees said they were born again evangelicals. So... If you thought Dumbya has f-ked this country over. Wait for four years of Huckabee. He makes Dumbya look like an honest, competent public servant.

joedirt says...

Doc_M did you copy that headline from the news??? WTF are you talking about? SLAM DUNK? BIG MARGIN?? WTF? 8 or 9 precent?

Anyways, the way the caucusing works is pretty different to compare that to real votes. See you had people standing around in groups and there was usually three equal sized groups in 90% of precincts. In some large precincts, the Obama crowd was slightly larger, hence more delegates.

At any rate, Obama did get about 10,000 more "people" to caucus for him for whatever that is worth.

Doc_M says...

No, I didn't get the headline from the news, but thanks for the compliment. I meant it to be provocative, so I'm glad it got your panties bunched
34 is way the heck larger than 25. 34/25 in any election is a LARGE margin.

We all know this isn't the end of the primaries, so don't assume I'm retarded enough to call it so. But it was a large victory for these 2 and will influence later primaries like it has in every election.

As far as they say, every candidate is Christian and openly so. Hillary and Obama, for example, regularly speak in churches to congregations.

Evidence that the Iowa caucus is a decent predictor of the presidential primary winner:

Still I hope it's not Huck this year. He can't compete with Obama.

raven says...

Yes!! Huckabee's on top! Soon we can start quarantining all the gays and letting the rapists out of jail! Oh happy day!

Am kidding of course... but seriously, I am happy with this outcome, Huckabee can't possibly win in a final race for the White House, not everyone in this country has resigned themselves to living in Dumbfuckistan....

Although... the news of the caucus results were pretty much pushed to the wayside by the American newsmedia this morning, as the pretty talking heads on tv were all too eager to report that, finally, Britnasty got carted off to a hospital and put on mental health observation... what are things coming to? Dumbfuckistan indeed.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

"..Huckabee can't possibly win in a final race for the White House..."

That's ominously close to what I thought about W before 2000.

This is elitist, but it's easy to underestimate the level of ignorance in the public. We forget because we live our lives in these enclaves of non-stupidity (like here IMHO - our only brush with the vast majority out there might be through an episode of Jerry Springer.

jonny says...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's the number of delegates each candidate got that's relevant (as opposed to the voting percentages). For the dems, it's essentially tied - Obama 16, Clinton 15, Edwards 14; On the republican side, Huckabee definitely got a slam - 30 delegates to Romney's 7.

Doc_M says...

BTW, we should just change Election08.videosift.com to LiberalsPlusPaulforPresident.videosift.com

I'm half trying to be funny and half being literal. Look at the video lineup. lol. Not one single pro-conservative video in the entire lot, save Ron Paul.

I guess the sift has spoken. No illusions.

Thylan says...

^ We might not all agree on RP/Kucin

Curious to know who we might/how you'd want to try to find said candidate, and would it be 1 for each party or truly 1?

Oh, and with the USA having such an active foreign policy atm, I'd like the right to vote too. I like voting.

Thylan says...

^ could be done in a single thread, posting a comment with the name of each candidate, and allow comment voting to indicate support. possibly after a weeks notice with a few campaign playlists to get each candidates supporters points across (this is VS after all, candidate playlists makes sense)

joedirt says...

too early for candidate endorsement.

Heck the media has thrown out Paul yet.

Anyways, wait until after Super Tuesday. (will be too late).

Hilary already won, FYI. The media websites that track delegates says so.

Arsenault185 says...

Thylan i like that. One person post a comment with one name on it, for all the candidates. Then the comment voting. Really good. Really simple. only problem is - people can down vote. So it would have to be an honor code kinda thing, unless you all high and mighty admin types can disable the down arrows for a thread. Other than that great idea.

Thylan says...

arsenault185, you can see who voted up, and who down, by hovering over the arrows. So if we asked people not to downvote, we could easily confirm that no one had, and if they had, discount the negative.

Or, we could allow downvoting too.

Doc_M says...

Now is not the time for the sift to endorse a candidate. It's too late. It would want to endorse Kucinich who has all but quit or Paul who will never win. When the general election rolls around, the sift will side with the democrat, period, no question. You should just hang the Obama for president signs now and save the effort.

gwiz665 says...

Because Videosift is a community-based web site, obviously everyone won't agree on a single endorsement, and as Doc_M say, the site might lose visitors.

I think some sort of VS-vote would be better, because it would show where the majority leans. If the almighty leaders of the sift choose an arbitraty person, it would seem to the outside (or "real") world, as if we all think that person should win.

lertad says...

Just my opinion, but I think it would be a terrible idea.

Please don't hold a vote, especially to endorse a candidate. It would be like trying to drive out people who don't disagree, especially if it was a landslide, as politics is quite a sensitive thing when it comes to opinions.

Especially if only one candidate was chosen, it would be so alienating to supporters of the candidates that didn't win. The Sift has always been great because of the diverse community and its opinions - so let's not drive out people just because they don't agree with the "majority" of Sifters.

A popularity poll maybe, but please no "winners". A nation's citizen has to live with the elected leader, but a Sifter does not - and, except for the ones who've been here for a while, most likely will not.

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