New Support System

Since we launched charter memberships nearly one and a half years ago, VideoSift has been transformed in innumerable ways. Through all the metamorphoses, our prized charter members have continued hanging in and helping in a small, but very appreciated way, to keep the site alive. One of the latest, biggest changes on the Sift was the introduction of Power Points and then the new donation system which helped boost the PP super powers of donors.

As has been mentioned a couple of times, our continuing explosive growth has been more and more costly to keep running, and this was one of the reasons the donation system was created. After a lot of contemplation, we have developed some interesting new ideas about how we might be able to transform and expand the charter and Power Point systems to allow more alternatives and benefits for providing your much-needed support of VideoSift.

We have implemented these modifications in our new support system. The first and most significant difference is the manner in which new charter memberships function. Instead of just one option for a 3 month recurring subscription, there are now six charter membership options available. You may upgrade to a 20, 50, or 150 day chartership and instead of only a recurring subscription, you can opt for a one-off upgrade that will not recur at the end of the charter period.

While we are working on expanding the list of capabilities for our charters, the one new benefit that has already been added is an increase to a max of 2 Power Points for all charters. Also note that all existing charter membership subscriptions have been grandfathered into the new system, so as long as you don't cancel your subscription, the cost will remain the same and you will have any/all benefits that may be added.

The other new support feature that has been added is the ability to purchase Power Points a la carte. This provides you an immediate boost in your Power Point count so you can exercise the various super powers available to you. Another great option for this feature is the ability to gift Power Points to another member. If desired, you can enter a member's username in the "A la Carte" form. The recipient will immediately get the Power Point boost and receive an email informing of your generosity.

We're certain there will be a large variety of reactions to this news. Please keep in mind the community has always held itself up by its own bootstraps and your support really is an enormous reason that the site has been able to continue thriving for so long. We appreciate everyone's understanding and support. All of you, our kickass members, are the backbone of this community and the only reason it is what it is today.

So, without further ado, your thoughts...

Pardon any nonsensical text above. I'm a little delirious at the moment.
dag says...

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Thanks Lucky. I'd like to thank again everyone who has contributed to the upkeep of the community.

There's been a fair bit of shake-up in online video in the past few months. Our goal is to stay lean and mean and keep this community healthy and thriving.

We will not be crushed under our own weight - victims of our own success. It helps that we don't host any video - but the challenge is still managing our growth and paying the bills. With your help though- VideoSift will be here forever- or at least until the singularity.

K0MMIE says...

I like this community, but all these different abilities and powers is getting kind of confusing. As soon as I catch up it's changing again.

Then again... it's like leveling my character. Soon K0MMIE will be a level 100 rogue with stealth double-downvote powers!

dag says...

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>> ^MarineGunrock:
Would it be possible to get some sort of statistics? Like the % increase in income for VS since the launch of Charter membership and the donation program?

That's a good idea, I'll put a chart together and post it.

Arsenault185 says...

Just out of curiosity.. when you donate you get an extra power point - but now charter members get 2 anyways. Will they get 3 if they donate? (I don't particularly care, as I don't think I will see a need for it myself.)

Krupo says...

Yeah, it did occur to me that it seemed rather redundant to have separate donation/power-point streams [esp. since it would encourage chartered folk to de-charter and just donate instead].

I guess the nuance is still around, but it's nice to share the 2 pp bonus with charter supporters - thanks Lucky and Sift!

Suggestion (because people respond to incentives) - allow donaters to buy a "faster recharge".

This way, you keep the "balance" of having 2 pp max, but give donaters a little something-something for giving something-something.

Why did that sound dirty? Ah, not important. I think it's a good idea.

Thanks for the bonus in features. Of course the moment I saw I had 2 pp I had to run to sift talk to figure out what new announcement occurred.

Arsenault185 says...

So I need to make sure on something.... Under the old pricing structure, a one year charter membership cost 40 dollars total. Now its somewhere in the neighborhood of $120. Is this right? or is there a typo? That seems like a rather large jump to make... or are the prices listed in Pesos?

dag says...

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It is a jump in price- but we think it's worth it- this is the best community on the web- and what price can you put on that really?

Our price increase does not effect current charter members.

Arsenault185 says...

You're right this is a kick ass place. I'm just worried that this will turn others off from becoming charter. If it was say, 50 a year, then people who would otherwise give nothing might give, so you might get more support in the long run.

Farhad2000 says...

Why don't you put a larger advertisement to become a chartered member on the sidebar? On the same level as the donation thing but listing reasons why one should charter.

Also merchandise as a viable revenue stream, the t-shirts were a great hit with folks that only fizzled with that lawsuit over trademark usage. This can be on a limited run basis to keep costs low, a limited 100 run or so.

Competitions offering small prizes for a video category which could be plastered on other sites, this is strictly for exposure.

People should be allowed to self post with a large penalty fee, this can be pushed to corporate entities, the stipulation should be that postings should adhere totally to VS rules judged by the community and scanned for self votes form the same company. Since the video is totally depended on the users votes I think its a good compromise, since it can be evaluated independently.

This website is great but unfortunately besides Bluesnews via Ant and occasionally Neatorama there is little exposure to newer users.

Fedquip says...

I think this is a very fair decision from the sift, I have been charter for a long time now, when I consider the amount of time I spend being entertained by the Sift community it's an easy decision to Subscribe and pay 10 every 20.

The media, entertainment and information that we have access to now, thanks to this community, is much greater then what you would get if you spent hours watching programming on Television. This community provides nothing but the best quality video in every category of the Internet. Subscribing to Videosift should be a no-brainer for any viewer/reader/visitor of the Sift.

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