New Gold Star Ability: Tag Editing

From time to time, especially in the distant past, there have been members who tend to "spam" their videos into popularity by adding popular tags that really have nothing to do with the content of the video. In other cases, there is nothing really wrong with the tags except that they are too brief or nondescriptive making them difficult to find, for example, when searching for dupes. In any case, Gold Star members (with JavaScript enabled) now have the ability to edit the tags of videos posted by other members.

Once a video is loaded, an 'edit' link will appear beside it's tags. You may use it to modify and save changes to a video's tags, and if you do, it will happen asynchronously without reloading the page so the video will not be interrupted. Use your new ability sparingly and only for good, when it is really necessary. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

If there are any hiccups with this feature, please post about them here. Have fun!
joedirt says...

Some feedback for ya. I can't seem to logout. something about the cookie setting and the return thingy in login.php

So I was trying to logout, cause I don't seem to have the tag edit ability.

And I found this fun page.
Appears your 404 defaults to some type of dag page with admin panel, but you'd have to be logged in with correct permissions to access anything. I'm guessing theres an error where it calls up the page with user=1 or something like that. ?? cheers.

lucky760 says...

That's a really odd problem... And one that I can't duplicate. What's your browser? Try clearing all your cookies and logging back in. If that doesn't work, what's the url of the page you were trying to logout on? Did it happen on multiple pages?


joedirt says...

Deleted 54 session cookies and 4 domain cookies. And now logout does work. Logout is fixed.

Unless I'm missing something, there is no edit or anything by the tags.

<p id="tags-13915"><a href="./cloud.php" title="'._('nube').'">tags</a>: <a href="./index.php?search=ludicrous%2Cspeed%2Cspaceballs&tag=true">ludicrous, speed, spaceballs</a></p>

And yes, I have javascript enabled, and firefox, etc. etc.

Only error in JS console is "Error: urchinTracker is not defined"
But that is probably because google-analytics is blackholed in my hosts file.

(Also FYI, the pop-up text for the tag cloud is still ".(nube)" which lead to a hilarious blog post once.)
(And the tags are all lumped into one search instead of each comma seperated tag being it's own click to search item)

lucky760 says...

You must still not have deleted your cookies. That would have fixed it, but I've also made a server-side change that should take care of it. Let me know if it persists, but it shouldn't.

lucky760 says...

The reason you don't see the edit link in the html is that it is added when the page finishes loading by javascript. Do you have javascript enabled? Do the other Ajax features work for you (e.g., posting comments and adding/removing favorites)?

joedirt says...

You mean can I post comments? Yes. Spell check even works, favoriting works. What else is 2.0 Sorry, favoriting appears to be a link and reload, not AJAX.
I've tried FF and 2.0beta1 --> is broked
IE works good. I'm seeing the new AJAX stuff now. Must be my firefox profile.

(More feedback, in IE, if the window is too small, the text goes to white?? ie. you can highlight it and read it, but otherwise it is white on white)

[edit] OK, I figured it out. I have HTTP Referrer turned off. Why anyone would go around advertising where they came from is senseless to me. You give up too much info with Referrer on. Like your bank, your email account info, what search engine you use, etc.

So it is JavaScript AND Referrer enabled.

I wish you could do away with that. I think the javascript is making sure it came from the last VS page??

lucky760 says...

Not odd. Working on it at the moment.

- update -
It'll work without referer now. So you haven't been enjoying the live comment preview or asynchronous comment posting before now?

The minimum supported dimensions are 1024x768, so if there are problems below that res, sorry.

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